Mr. Somebody
Friend Of A Friend
I think your name is mentioned more than mine in here my friend. But since you co-sign VVD and KGR proves Trolls have more respect in H.L. than people who post for real reasons.
One of the most underrated posts in the history of KTL. You hit the nail on the head like hammers friend. This section of is so clique'd up the hypocrits are running things. On one hand the rules state, no trolling, be civil yet demonic filth like victorvondoom has free reign to troll but because hes part of some podcast hes allowed. 88m spams the board with garbage threads and laughs about people getting killed, in particular babies having their heads ripped off but like you said, because he cosigns the so called *Leaders* of the board, him and trolls like him (cac mamba) get free reign to post their garbage.
They complain about derailing threads but are very particular on which threads they hate that get derailed. If you made a thread about something they consider a conspiracy theory they will derail it with unintellectual filth and name call you like a child but if you bring a valid point they disagree with into one of their threads, they say, you're trolling. They only want you to debate and challenge them within a bubble of rules that they have in their heads. Rules they deem absolute logic. Its so demonic.
Then, in secret they private message the mod and try to use their status on the board to get posters banned instead of taking their complaints to the event staff where it belongs for all to see. Ive gotten many notes from the admin saying *hey man chill out, these sissies are going ham on you in my inbox* but you know what, i dont chill because they're wrong, friend. Cowards who work in the shadows are difficult to respect like the gay community.
Friend, KTL has been commandeered by the demons and the minions who cheer for them butwhat are you gonna do. Its so demonic, friend.