1. Tariq is a Blackman, not a mutt and he doesn't have a quadroon as a son.
2. Cacs are a minority globally so no "the dominant race on the planet spreads their seed more then all others." If you hold the Chinese as dominant, well show me Asian men in IR in vast amounts.
You've already claimed to be mixed so why refer to me as a mutt. So you're saying you aren't mixed now and are some pure bred african.
...stop. You're making up your ethnicity as you go along because you're either a cac or you hate looking stupid.
Both of my parents are black and in particular my fathers very dark skinned n mom's is brown.. So I guess we're drilling down further to say only dark skinned black people have say in black issues. I'll always be black so I'll always have say in black issues.
Asians and whites have spread seed all over the world in great numbers. In modern times asians and Cacs especially which is why you yourself are not that dark, south America is whiteish not to mention India. Asian nations have also been lightened by Chinese men fukkin natives in malaysia the Phillipines, Indonesia. In turn these offspring rule these nation. The dominant culture will always get the most p*ssy and use them to enforce their will which is why my dikk is so international
You're thinking to much like a cac.
Would you tell your idol Sidney Poitier he has no say in black issues with his white wife and mutt kids. You're trolling because youre getting emotional that people notice youre a c00n. You refer to "your people"as blacks so you clearly feel disconnected consciously. Give it up.