I love when dudes break R=G's points down one by one. Though dude doesnt give in. Hes relentless on being wrong. Its good fukkery.
Wrong? When have one like you ever proven me wrong? You..the cheerleader. The onlooker...the nygga commentating and goes GHOST at the drop of friction.
This is 100% truth. R=G tried to paint the picture that because I thought Mschif sucked, I must hate women or something.
I'm surprised you hate her so much. She has much in common with RVD...flexible, spot oriented, and can work with the right opponent. You saw her work with like one capable worker in Athena and some no name and you're judgement on one match is supposed to impress me? Devalue what I say? You nyggas hate women..remember? Well expect for flat ass Stephanie, who has one of the flattest and non existent asses in the history of the buisness and who's confidence issues are so pathetic she needs breast implants to be seen in public.
I have been thoroughly enjoying the Gail Kim/Taryn Terrell matches in TNA and the segments/buildup between AJ/Kaitlyn (there matches have been ehh though).
LOL@those weak matches being what you think is good work. AJ Lee is a very good worker..Katilyn is barely above being a rookie though. What they've done has been acceptable but it won't be getting Match of the Night rewards or anything.
MsChif is ready for Serenity December 10th in East Carondelet, Illinois - YouTube
This Promo is probably better than any Shawn Michaels/Cena/RVD/Bret Hart/Punk Promo too right @
She can't promo. She does some horror voices and sounds silly. But she can work her ass off.
I was going to post a lengthy response to this, since I'm probably one of the few other people that occasionally watches and likes Joshi, but this removed my need to do so (good thing, I'm tired. Sonning R=G probably wouldn't have been worth it).
Sonning? Your favorite wrestler was a ramp warrior crying like a ho because Cena made more money than him and instead of proving himself and getting the job done with hard work and accreditation like Bryan or old school Mysterio, he needed to break the 4th wall and go outside of the bounds of what he was always doing to stand out. Weak. Insecure. Like his new fanbase. Once upon a time CM Punk was creatively on fire and definitely deserved his praise but he's become what he's always hated...overpraised, overrated, and by proof of those 2.5s he got, pretty much a failed WWE Champion overall.
I will say that R=G's grossly misplaced zeal is actually not that far off from how a lot of fans of women's wrestling regard female workers. People will try to have me watch some random STARDOM match and get pissed when I tell them that Act Yasukawa is legitimately one of the three worst wrestlers I've seen in my life and that Natsuki*Taiyo needs to get gear that doesn't make her look like an Asian garden gnome. People get fanatical when it comes to women's wrestling.
You get fanatical when it comes to CM Punk. What's the difference, my emotionally hurt mark? Defending him like some hurt little brother..even though he can't be defended by failures alone.
I'm all for giving girls more exposure in the ring. But you can't hold them to different standards just because they're women or because they allow you to fantasize about experiences you wouldn't have with a real woman or something (note: they, like a lot of people, think these types of fans are pathetic. Female indie wrestlers LOVE to extort shmucks like R=G). But, because they do, we get absurdities like MsChif being considered as better than really good to excellent male workers, when there are guys that could get three months training at a decent wrestling school and come out immediately better than her (or at least Act Yasukawa. I might need to slap some of the people on the SomethingAwful board for promoting her as anything close to decent...).
Since when? Your ass has been dead silent and praising only what's popular and pushed like a good little lemming. Now you all of a sudden you give a damn about female ability

Only for my benefit of course. But what else is new around here? Oh yeah..you must like Naomi because she has ass galore and actually makes her white counterparts look hilariously inferior by any trade or dime one can slice it. That's pure athletic ability for you. Not everyone is that blessed genetically. In the end, that doesn't matter either since people will hate on that too. Check SOHH Archives aka the Shelton Benjamin files.
Extort me? I don't pay for women like you. I take what I want and get what I want...which is why I became "the top heel" around here in the first place and your types were running to Admins crying left and right like little emotionally detached bytches with no legs to stand on. Remember? They banned me and I came right back doing what the fukk I wanted when the fukk I wanted. Celebrations threads that I shut down with one post. Nyggas I made furious with any pronouncements I gave notice to. Nah..you're the schuck who thought some non draw was carrying the WWE when he couldn't even sell out a damn November PPV after holding the belt for a year at that. That's Michaels level. Diesel level. Bob Backland in 94 level. Just a disgrace and it's no wonder they placed him with real names so he could save face and not just be another RVD type..very over but not doing shyt when it comes to actually changing how the business progresses. Stealing gimmicks and his Japan counterparts entire styles. Phony from the feet up except for the tatted rebel look he aspires to go for. In essence, mediocrity personified.
R=G: Take your ticket to Bolivia, maybe give my regards to Edward Snowden if you see him there, and stop shytting up the board with your nonsense so often.
Stop talking over your means. You're a little nygga catching back shots like some undercover homo with your cheerleading in this thread. Get your mind right or I'll shut you down in every single thread you post in from this day forward. Boliva? I RUN THESE troll nyggas..Punk fans..anyone. Especially you with your Saint City Captain Saving shirt rocking ass