MsChif vs. Leah Von Dutch (
) vs. Jenny Rose vs. Athena:
First girl out is Leah Von Dutch who Kevin Kelly is hyping as someone who attended one of Ring of Honor's tryouts, and beat out forty men to get her spot on the roster. With someone who has very low expectations coming into this match, I'm gonna be straight up embarrassed for this company if this girl sucks.
Next girl out is Jenny Rose wearing a dress that looks like she made it out of zubaz pants. Apparently, girl's been working a lot of dates in Japan which I'm assuming is for the Diana promotion. Seen one show from there that was complete ass, but meh. Maybe she'll surprise me.
After that, out comes Athena who y'all been talking about. Don't know shyt about her, but can't deny she looks pretty damn good. If she's as great as you're all saying she is, props.
Aaaaand now we have the girl we're all waiting for, MsChif, clad in Freddy Krueger gear. Nigel cracks some corny jokes about how the referee should confiscate her glove before the match starts, and yells at him to get his attention which he ignores. Good on him. Afterwards, the Code of Honor begins, and unfortunately our boy, The Great One, wasn't exaggerating. Girl was trying too hard to play off that glove gimmick, and offered to shake hands with the other girls. This goes on for an awkward sixty seconds while one guy in the crowd laughs obnoxiously, and everyone else is dead silent.
Match begins, and it starts with MsChif and Athena. Chif wants nothing to do with her so girl hits Jenny with a forearm in the corner, and throws her into the ring to take her place. Ooookay. Jenny and Athena start off with some basic lockups, snapmare exchanges, and the like that ends after Athena kips up to tag in Leah. Jenny's talking shyt at MsChif at the corner missing the tag, and Leah surprises her with a hairmare across the ring. Jenny gets back at her with a scoop slam, then applies a camel clutch while pulling at her hair which starts the four count. She takes advantage of this by pulling her hands off, then repeatedly going back to the hair pulling to restart the count. Much like MsChif, girl plays off of this until it's just not funny anymore.
Jenny eventually lets Leah go, and while trying to regain her composure MsChif frightens her with one of her ear splitting screams. I'd be more forgiving of SHIMMER girl's bullshyt, but comedy always seems to be a major dynamic in the promotion's matches, and it's no different here in this Ring of Honor showcase. Quit that shyt and just wrestle, damn. Anyways, back to the match. Athena gets the tag, and hits Leah with a pretty nice looking Savate Kick to the stomach reeling her over. She then nails a kick to the side of Leah's head, and goes for the cover. So far Athena looking like the most impressive one in this match. She goes to capitalize more on Leah by running to the ropes, but MsChif gets the blind tag.
Leah immediately charges in, knocking MsChif into the corner, and giving her the shyttiest shoulder thrusts I've ever seen in my life. Doesn't help that MsChif is selling it like the bytch is getting tickled. She goes to give her one more, but MsChif slips out giving her a reverse hurricarana with a bridging pin. Athena breaks it up, and now all girls are in the ring with some random ass armdrag exchanges. Athena damn near spiking Leah on her goddamn head with one. How the fukk do you botch an armdrag that badly?
All girls get up about to lock up with each other, but MsChif screams at all three to interrupt it. And you know what? They all fukking sold it.
Athena uses the "power" of MsChif's voice to springboard off the ropes, and knock her down with a crossbody. MsChif ain't having any of it as she rolls to the ropes while Leah and Jenny pull Athena in for double vertical suplex. Leah knocks over Jenny, and attempts a running double axe handle to MsChif who reverses into a drop toe hold. MsChif locks her in a standing Indian Deathlock while Jenny hooks her arm. Athena then handstands and wraps her legs around Jenny's neck in a headscissors resulting in a submission clusterfukk that looks like this:
Athena eventually let's go, and Jenny takes MsChif off of Leah by hitting her with a sloppy snapmare driver. Leah and Jenny brawl in the corner while Athena tries to get at MsChif who knocks her down with a sitout spinebuster. Leah then hits MsChif with a facebuster and goes for the cover only for Jenny to break it up. She then hits Leah with a DDT leaving her and Athena the only two in the ring standing. Jenny tries to get the momentum going by running to the ropes, but gets pulled out by MsChif and Leah to the outside. Athena takes advantage by diving at the girls with a suicide plancha.
Athena pulls MsChif out of the mess of bodies, and rolls her back into the ring to set her up at the corner. She then does a front flip into a forearm on MsChif, and tries to German Suplex her out of the corner, but MsChif goes behind to hit one of her own but Athena's holding onto the ropes all while Jenny is climbing the turnbuckle. She knocks the two of them down with a sunset flip that spikes the fukk out of Athena.
Leah intervenes and tries to fight Jenny, but gets backed up in the corner by her with chops. Jenny goes to whip her to the opposite corner, but Leah reverses, and hits her with a low dropkick. Leah's strikes look weak as fukk every time.
Leah then pulls her out of the corner, and hits the ropes, but Jenny catches her with a sloppy swinging sideslam that'd made the Big Bossman roll in his grave. Goes for the cover, and Leah kicks out at two. Jenny goes to the top rope while Leah sluggishly gets back to her feet. Knocks her down with a top rope clothesline, and once again goes for the cover which MsChif breaks up. Pulls Jenny up, and locks up her arm, and does some...knee type move. I've seen her use this same move dozens of times, and it still confuses the shyt out of me. What the fukk is she trying to do?
Leah gets up right afterwards, and gets nailed with a jumping kick to the face by Athena. Girl's been eating shyt all match. Athena and MsChif have a brief staredown before Chif knocks her off her feet with a clothesline, then hits Leah in the corner with a running knee to the chest. Jenny gets back up, and MsChif goes to set her up for that stupid fukking move again until Athena surprises the two by hitting Jenny with a jumping top rope Ace Crusher. The O-Face? What? Ahhh, fukk it. Athena goes for the pin on Jenny which MsChif breaks up, and throws Athena out of the ring as she crashes into the guard rails.
Leah gets pulled up MsChif, and gets nailed with a series of sluggish looking forearms, but knees MsChif to escape. Leah then knees her in the face, turns her around, and hits her with a reverse facebuster that looks like garbage. I don't know about you, Great One, but Leah's looking like the worst one in this match to be honest.
Girl goes for the pin, MsChif kicks out at two. Leah then tries to pump up the dead crowd before climbing to the top rope, and missing a moonsault on MsChif. MsChif tries to take advantage by going for the pin, but Leah plays possum....or at least tries too...girl took her damn time trying to roll the pale looking bytch up, that you could tell right there MsChif was assisting her big time to make that shyt work. MsChif kicks out as the two get back to their feet, and Leah knocks her over with some more forearms. Again, every strike this woman makes looks WEAK! It's painful seeing these women sell it.
MsChif backs up into the corner to recuperate while Leah runs at her with another one of those terrible low dropkicks, but she moves out of the way the last second. MsChif sets her up for the same awkward looking move I gif'd above, but Leah reverses into a fireman's carry. MsChif slips out to club her on the back, catches her again, and finally hits that fukking move after like attempting it three times in this match. MsChif gets the pin, and it's over. Y'all don't even know.
Final thoughts: .....
This match sucked a bag of dikks. But unfortunately, I can't even blame MsChif cause the bytch barely did anything except play up her screaming gimmick until the end. Most of it was carried by these other three while she sat out. Athena was easily the best one in the match even though she reeeeally needs to cool it with her execution of moves as it always looks like she's trying to kill someone. Jenny....blegh. They need to rough up that thick ass of hers in Japan if she expects to improve. And Leah? Like I kept fukking saying. Easily the worst one in the match. Sloppy offense, weak unconvincing strikes, and she brought down the atmosphere a lot. Only positive I'll give is she sold all these moves like a champ. I conclude this by saying...women's wrestling in America is trash. Don't waste your time watching it if you're expecting anything good out of it. Only thing they're good for here nowadays is fap material....but even then who the fukk gets their dikk hard at the sight of MsChif? Peace!