why is it teenage mutant ninja TURTLESturtles are slow as hell and they're bytchmade, always goin into their shell and shyt
why not teenage mutant ninja monkeys or somethin. them muhfukkas is spry, coulda been swingin and flippin thru all kinda shyt. dive on your ass and give you the beats
This site would be cool with athletic teenage MONKEYS running around, using slang, eating junk food and shyt all the time, using weapons, living in the sewers being raised by a rat, saving a white woman?

You got Leonardo, the leader that people give the

Ralph, the hothead that doesn't listen
Michelangelo, the dumb ass partier
Donatello, the smart dude that tries to spit knowledge but gets shytted on
Raised by a guy called MASTER Splinter?