i7-4770k processor - $200 at microcenter (top gaming processor in world)
AMD R9 270 - $180 (any where)
ASRock Motherboard (USB 3.0, 6 gb/s sata, no room for crossfire/sli though) - $50
Corsair 600watt Bronze certified powersupply - $70 ($50 with $20 rebate)
pick your case peasants $50-70
http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007583 4026&IsNodeId=1&name=$50 - $75
Western Digital 7200 RPM 500 GB HD - $60
8GB 1600 MHZ DDR3 RAM - $80
$700. Can be around $500-600 if you use lesser known brands, shout out to @
MMSex power supply
top end
what it can play: Battlefield 4 on Ultra with ease
where you can upgrade:
video card ($100-250+ more but thats just future proofing)
motherboard(better memory performance, more PCIE slots)
add a SSD(obvious. maybe not to your 720p peasant minds though)
bow down and kiss the ring, I just built you something three times as powerful as xbox1 and ps4 for $200 more.