No used $180 ps3 plus used games and plus membership =I havnt upgraded my computer in quite awhile and it runs everything 1080p 80-120 FPS on max settings
I last updated my processor when Crysis 3 came out (feb 2013) and my video card in middle of 2012..
sick of these bull shyt lies being tossed around here that you need to upgrade all the time.. its been 2 years on my video card already and it still plays everything max settings no problem at high FPS
within the past 5 years I bet you have spent more on console shyt than I have on PC shyt
lets not act like you aint buy a PS3 for $400 then a PS4 for $400 thats $800 already in the past 5 years, do we really want to add up the extra costs of controllers, video games, psn purchases, DLC purchases, etc ?
and thats only if you owned 1 console
Gaming is not a priority for me.
Ps4 in the fall don't need it right now. I never bought a console launch year. Before my used ps3 I didn't game for years last PC title I played was half-life 2