bytch he still quotin me talkin shyt so ask him, given how long it took him to drop that video while refusin to even post an arm pic to show he black that could easily be his friend and not him. Not to mention his ridiculous post count nobody postin that much all day has time to work be in a relationship and also exercise religiously, and he the one thats been whinin about me for the past year so quit capin for him and fukk off.

Another corny cac smiley, I'm startin to think you the autistic one and got OCD.
Another Originalinternetgangsta groupie:stephenasmithsleep:
You describin yourself? You stay quotin/taggin me in threads all over this site and got multiple aliases.:mmmhmmiseeyou:
You been goin full retard since I called you out on your bullshyt in a different thread, you runnin all over the site taggin me talkin shyt and slanderin me to anyone who will listen to your autistic ass.
What was asked right on the spot was an arm pic which coulda been uploaded and a pic of his face would've been proof if it was the face of the same guy in the video 5 days later, you could argue your boyfriend wasn't at the gym to do the routines in that challenge but he definitely could've shown his face in a pic when asked to let it be known he's really the guy in the video or at least shown his arm to prove he really black.:cacjordan: You the slow fakkit if you don't understand that, and you tellin me a hand pic is nothin but ignore your boyfriend refused to post a pic of his arm when asked he ducked and dodged waitin 5 days later until he could get his friend to pretend to be him.
I didn't accept cause I truly "march to the beat of my own drum" like that chick claimed he was doin, I told him last year I never do bets just cause someone demands one it ain't only about him thats how I always am.

But he the one that constantly challenges people to post pics and videos yet balked at doin the same when asked (I wasn't the one who asked I already know he a cac so I don't care about gettin a pic outta him) he scrambled for the excuse that he not near a gym so that dude asked him to just post a arm pic and he STILL couldn't do that,

and the dude who asked posted multiple videos of himself durin that time so you can't give your boyfriend the excuse that the other guy didn't show proof.

No he showed his friend it woulda been proof if he had posted a pic of his face 5 days before when asked but him runnin from that then comin back 5 days later wit "receipts" leaves the possibility open that the dude wasn't him, and no one was laughin at me a few groupies just tried to

you so fixated on what other people on here think and wantin to be in the popular crowd like that other cat said you obviously are a life long loser and treat this site like its high school for you to do over. Your boyfriend gets an L for gettin his big brother to play him for the Coli and you get an L for bein an autistic fakkit obsessed wit me.
I don't owe your punkass shyt bytch and I never show my pics to other men

you in no position to call me a troll when you a perpetratin loser desperately tryna convince people you the nikka in the video and are tight cause I'm still callin you out on your scam. You played yourself wit that pic shyt it was no logical reason for you not to post your face when dude asked to show you were the cat in the video or even a arm pic showin you black, now I know for sure you a cac it's official.:michaeljordanlaugh:
Another random loser I made catch feelins and has been obsessed wit me ever since, if I was really on ignore you wouldn't be taggin me

clearly YOU love to argue since you tagged me makin sure I see your lame diss and respond to your bytchass. Drink piss nikka.
Says the guy wit over 14,000 posts in a year who couldn't post a pic of his black arm and needed 5 days to upload a video of "himself", then you get giddy cause gullible people fell for it and think you a black man who works out all the time has a girlfriend a regular job but oddly also has time to post on the coli all day gettin 14k posts in a year among other internet activities you likely got.

I don't know who's worse you for bein fraudulent or them for believin it.
nikka who the fukk are you? I don't even remember talkin to you but you prolly got butthurt over somethin I said and still can't let it go so you ran in here to tag and talk about someone you supposedly have on ignore

I actually hate to argue cause I have a life and don't be on here to throw shots all day but you idiots always catch feelins over shyt I say and start back and forths wit me.