Decided to watch this since I needed a crime drama to fill the void, I thought it was damn good all the way up until the end. Chandra.....oh lawd what I'd do if she was my "lawyer"

what a fukking dumbass though

Like come on, I get that you're inexperienced but let's not have your emotions get the best of you.

Was a little pissed at first we didn't see more of a conclusion with her in the final episode, but nah to the bushes she goes..... what a dumb fukking move that was. The show was good until they had her give the drugs to Nas, I thought that was a little unbelievable.
I felt a mixture of relief and horror when Stone told Nas he was free. Dude went from being innocent to being completely corrupted by the system. Add in the other troubles with his mother, the drugs, and his community despising him and it's a fukking nightmare. I'd like to think he eventually gets his act together, but seeing this show's dark nature makes me think otherwise....nothing will ever be the same for him.
Overall I enjoyed it, probably wouldn't rewatch it though. If there's a season two, I'm game.