Rap Guerilla
my man, stop saying this if you dont know what you are talking about. Roku and FireTV users who are not cable/sat subs STILL have to get their HBO content from NOW until that deal is reached. NOW still works for those subs and is their ONLY option, therefore it exists still! HBO GO is still available on mobile devices and still works the same exact way. Neither of these former options have been upgraded with MAX content on the platforms I mentioned. Screenshots from my phone below....and I can show you NOW as well on Roku/FireTV but that shouldnt be necessary. the only thing that changed is NOW was upgraded to MAX on mobile devices and game consoles. I have access to all of them so I know how they all work, but its not simple to the average user at all.
yup. I have roku in all my upstairs bedrooms. and apple tv in the downstairs and basement. the roku's CANNOT get HBO Max, but it works on the apple tv's obviously. I just use HBOGO like I been doing if I really wanna watch HBO in my bed.