So I got this sort of comment last week, but it kind of underscores the lack of relationship I have with my father
I flew to Antigua on the 26th to visit my pops. My flight got in at about 12:50 and my dad, according to his parking ticket, got to the airport at around one. We literally didn't see each other until 3
The last time we had seen each other was 2008, so at least on my end I really had forgotten what he looked like. He told me later that knows people who work at the airport, so he was asking them to be on the lookout for a skinny dude, not knowing that I've been weight training for the last three years. He also told me that we were standing a few feet from each other, but he didn't come up to me for a while because he was expecting someone much smaller.
So yeah,
that we didn't recognize each other for so long