I don't really get into the gender war thing because I understand that it is ancient, most people are unaware of the root, and most people don't have the perspective to see that fighting it out is not the way to win. Fighting it out
(or "let's pretend talk about it while I think of ways to blame women") is like getting sucked into a vortex that spins you around in the same eternal circle....
However, for the purpose of responding to your comment -
Black men should be respectable - period.
There should be no need to say "good black man" or "respectable black man" when speaking in general. "Black man" should suffice. But since it doesn't, there is obviously a problem. Why does anyone have to say they are a "good" or "respectable" black man if being "good and respectable" is what most black men are?
When you try to diss women on that note, you end up disrespecting yourself.
Women should not be put in the position of checking or being around foul ass, disrespectful, sex crazed, lazy, whoremongering males. There should be a standard of proper conduct enforced by other men. And it kind of is, but those men are currently called the police and we don't like that.
But where is the gathering, planning and congregating to do for self in that aspect? Where are the discussions about "policing" other men because I sure do see a lot of high-fiving or IGNORING the behavior of sex crazed, irresponsible males who manipulate and abuse women.
If that's too much work and not your responsibility, then okay. Keep telling women to just ignore the miscreants and keep your head down and mouth closed when other men are carrying on another their irresponsible conquests.
Good luck keeping up with the world.