Have guys stopped approaching women in public?

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
u just gotta get it whats available and turn it into what u want...ideal situations are only ideas...thats gospel....

Real shyt

I don't approach like I used to, I rarely do at all


I mean I get the point this is trying to make but doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose to have the tree not make sense till u get to the bottom of it?
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™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013

In London they arrested a White Man for allegedly sticking his finger/dikk up a Woman's vagina while fully clothed in a split second during passing commute in a subway entrance where hundreds of people were around them :ld: If you don't believe me look it up: Commuter who walked past actress at Waterloo station cleared of 'bizarre' sex assault claim

Apparently he had such cunning skill and premature ejaculation that he was able to come inside her in a matter of milliseconds in passing while wiring his 6 foot long invisible string dikk molecularly through the pores of her cotton panties. :ld:

In 2016 White Men are being hung from the gallows over dreams Women are having of rape due to their own warped fantasies and sexual frustrations and hypocrisies. So do you think a Black Man wants to really risk his life in murky legal territory especially if he's not a UK citizen to approach Women in a public place where Cameras are watching everywhere - Those same cameras that could relieve him of guilt of a serious felony crime but implicate him for a lesser charge (simply because he's interacting with her and present) which would have the same devastating effect on a Black youth's employment in a racist CAC dominated country:mjpls:

The problem is Black Women are coddled by Master and their mind doesn't go this far, yall live in a dream world. The more success a Black man obtains the more he has to look over his shoulder for would be CACs to take him down. And he knows a Black Woman could throw him under the bus at any given moment. Yet isn't it strikingly odd (while I don't condone this shyt) that a Black Man with a CAC Woman usually has far less damage and much more leeway (See O.J. or in a less extreme case - Tiger) to his image when it's a White Woman? How many golfers would still refer to Tiger as "revered" and a "legend" and treat him with respect if his Wife was Black that he cheated on? :youngsabo: There is an active agenda to divide us and yall are being used as pawns and willingly allow yourselves to be apart of the system en masse. So even if you individually don't subscribe to the Master your brehettes in arms do - And therefore the rule applies to you as well.

If you don't understand what I'm talking about you're living in the CAC Matrix and you need to get with the program. Period. :sas1:
And the Emmy goes to...

Solo ✧✦✧

King of the eXoticals. "FIRsT and LAst wARNiNg"
Dec 2, 2014
It's so difficult for me to have sympathy for women who claim their good looking but don't get approached enough. They're either overrating themselves or it's because of the area they live in. It's still much easier for the average woman to get attention from the opposite sex than the average man.