You both obviously read the parts where I criticized dangling plot threads, boring twists, and rushed plotting, and referenced them yoursleves.
but you both still came to the conclusion that I blame Punk for his crappy reign.
How's that work, again?
your thread title brought the wolf out,....
no offense as it isn't aimed directly at you,...
it is the title is written in verbiage like a random noob mark.
which can't be right cause this is the new tsc ii.
which means most posters especially you.
are pretty keen when it comes to being educated above just random mark-dom.
so that gets your thread titled labeled as a blatant and visceral attempt to make a platinum thread.
on a smark-ish forum that is educated and pophuated with a healthy surplus of noobs.
held in check by a smart community.
since i am a smart,..i said phuck your attempt to plat thread troll.
then proceeded to give your attempt the proper tablin', it deserves in one post.
just to keep the muck from gettin stirred up into all hell.
i hate battle royal new fed episodes, for no reason.
other than to get a pier six started just because.
if we are gonna get a pier six started it would probably have been monday.
if the servers were running well on raw at the double h.
now it seems the next real pier six, shouldn't be scheduled till probably the impact thread i haven't gotten through till yet.
hopefully we can get this fed running red hot with sohh.
i want two belts in two hit feds at one time got damn it.
plus i am interested in seeing who gon try to get tabled reaching for the strap in the new coli, too.
i can get some new interesting continuity and squashes in the new coli.
i'm lovin' it!!
art barr