peaceful warrior, in 2006...about a gymnast.
Mediocre film but it opened me up to philosophy, seriously, and practicing mindfulness. I think was developing anxiety at the time, worried about my future and college etc. The film does a great job at encouraging being present, truly present. I've been using those lessons ever since.
First things first, compartmentalize problems, take time to enjoy and actually see the beauty in the world. This lead to me getting Stoicism. Coming to terms with my beliefs in the divine and learning these is power in knowing how listen...even to those who have nothing to say. Most have nothing to say but thats not necessarily a bad thing; use we can use it to our advantage.
Mediocre film but it opened me up to philosophy, seriously, and practicing mindfulness. I think was developing anxiety at the time, worried about my future and college etc. The film does a great job at encouraging being present, truly present. I've been using those lessons ever since.
First things first, compartmentalize problems, take time to enjoy and actually see the beauty in the world. This lead to me getting Stoicism. Coming to terms with my beliefs in the divine and learning these is power in knowing how listen...even to those who have nothing to say. Most have nothing to say but thats not necessarily a bad thing; use we can use it to our advantage.