10 rape victims... How, what and when? WTF.
How did you come to that ridiculous conclusion?
Let me give you some context to my posts, first I was talking about the elite of Hollywood, not your average Joe. A small close knit circle of people.
Who regardless of how ignorant they act in front of the camera knew about Harvey Weinstein's deviancy. "Everyone knew, they were there, they spoke about it, they heard about it" this isn't me conjecturing, that's what his writer, producer someone close to him said. But because Harvey was so generous they over looked it.
Maybe I could have articulated it better but my point stands money, career suicide, bad reputation, no work whatever the consequences maybe if you value your dignity you would not put yourself in a position for him to take advantage.
Is that me victim blaming? Or excusing his deviant behavior God No.
I've been brought up with the philosophy don't put yourself in harms way and if that was my friend, family member I'd give her the same advice.
You're having a bad week and want to vent, o woe is you fake outrage.
How did you turn what I said into me being a rape apologist and one has to be raped 10 or more times? WTF... Why 10? Make it 50/100.
I am with the victim, the oppressed don't come at me with that bafoonery.
And my comments that you highlighted again was speaking on the fact that men, good men have paid the consequences of deceitful women who have cried victim.
Thus each case has to be looked at on its own merit. I wasn't talking about Weinstein/Hollywood/rape there.
How did you come to that ridiculous conclusion?
Let me give you some context to my posts, first I was talking about the elite of Hollywood, not your average Joe. A small close knit circle of people.
Who regardless of how ignorant they act in front of the camera knew about Harvey Weinstein's deviancy. "Everyone knew, they were there, they spoke about it, they heard about it" this isn't me conjecturing, that's what his writer, producer someone close to him said. But because Harvey was so generous they over looked it.
Maybe I could have articulated it better but my point stands money, career suicide, bad reputation, no work whatever the consequences maybe if you value your dignity you would not put yourself in a position for him to take advantage.
Is that me victim blaming? Or excusing his deviant behavior God No.
I've been brought up with the philosophy don't put yourself in harms way and if that was my friend, family member I'd give her the same advice.
You're having a bad week and want to vent, o woe is you fake outrage.
How did you turn what I said into me being a rape apologist and one has to be raped 10 or more times? WTF... Why 10? Make it 50/100.
I am with the victim, the oppressed don't come at me with that bafoonery.
And my comments that you highlighted again was speaking on the fact that men, good men have paid the consequences of deceitful women who have cried victim.
Thus each case has to be looked at on its own merit. I wasn't talking about Weinstein/Hollywood/rape there.