Dzali OG
Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
So I'm getting from most people, just put them in prison and allow them to still be predators?
Do you think the white officers in this case should be convicted of murder?What do you want prison to be like for people convicted of killing people?
Talking back and being combative to authority is being a predator?So I'm getting from most people, just put them in prison and allow them to still be predators?
The problem is you think law enforcement cares whether a black did something violent or didn’t. Black people are beaten and killed regardless of their track records.
It didn’t matter what his black man did prior to what happened in that room, they were going to beat and kill him whether he was Mandela or Tookie Williams.
You are basically saying if inmates talk back and act out that they deserve to die or be beaten by armed officers of the law. Which is bullshyt.
Corrections officers, by and large, are some of the least educated people in the workforce. They are often from poor backgrounds and lack social and problem solving skills.
This whole “well all he had to do was shut his mouth and be respectful” as if respect is an objective thing is stupid. “Disrespectful” to a stupid poor person who chooses to spend his day working in a prison is different than someone who is educated working in a more meaningful position.
You trying to excuse this as some type of karmic justice is no different than George Floyd being lynched and white people saying “well he was a drug addict”. Lynching a handcuffed black man when you are being paid by the state is wrong. Period.
Do you think the white officers in this case should be convicted of murder?
Talking back and being combative to authority is being a predator?
I'm curiosity in rather we can spot hypocrisy concerning our own views.
What purpose do we want prison to serve?
This is exactly what KoonServatives wantedexpect more of this in the future.
What do you want prison life to be like for the man that stabbed your pregnant sister or daughter 14 times?
It's why I ask the question, what purpose do we want prison to serve?
What about this guy, sex assault of child younger than 12. You marching for him?
NY man sentenced to 17 years for sexual abuse of child
Michael J. Rolfe of Gates, N.Y., took a child who was less than 12 years old on a trip from Rochester to locations in Texas in August 2012 while he was employed as a long distance truck driver. Rolfe engaged in sexual acts with the child while traveling outside of New
Or how about this one? An infant.
Horsham, Pa. man filmed rape of 10-month-old baby, distributed the video: DA
A man from Horsham, Montgomery County, is accused of raping a 10-month-old child and then distributing video of the
This is an utterly retarded way of looking at things.
Punishment should not be based on your personal desires for vengeance. Someone stole my car once: I wanted him hung, drawn and quartered but we live in a civilized society so thankfully my wishes were not taken into consideration.
The purpose of prison should be
1. To protect the public from violent criminals
2. To rehabilitate criminals and prepare them for release into society if they take certain actions
3. To serve as a deterrent to future would be criminals
Abusive, cruel and inhuman treatment of inmates negates rehabilitation, and offers zero deterrent beyond the denial of liberty.
It's real simple to look at other countries and see how they handle criminals. They manage lower reconviction rates than we do, and they manage that without raping inmates or beating them to death or fulfilling sick wishes of wronged victims.
Lock inmates up, but ensure they are treated with dignity and respect. They are human too.