Scottie Drippin
Should Never Mention Me
Yep it always bugged me in the force awakens why Leia and Han would call their kid Ben. It would have made more sense for them to name their kid Luke.
It made sense for Luke to name his kid Ben because of Obi Wan. But Leia and Han? They pulled that out the ass.
In real life, people name kids after relatives, friends, celebrities, heroes, places, or just famous names they like. But, two fictional characters naming their child after a legendary hero of the galaxy who directly impacted their lives, played a part in giving them hope to lead a galactic revolution, and shared with them the knowledge of a belief system that they would ultimately believe in and change their lives entirely is bullshyt, upsetting, and something to complain about.That was pure "member Ben Kenobi?" on JJ's part, wouldn't surprise me if his full name is Ben Bail Yoda Wicket Amidala-Organa-Solo.

There are so many legit, or even smaller ridiculous things to be upset about but Han and Leia naming their kid after Ben got you vex? The woman who called someone her only hope naming their child after that someone after he delivered in ways unimaginable is dumb? You nikkas are miserable.