I knew this game was gonna be dead on arrival the moment I seen the announcement trailer, way to much for a struggling company like 343 to do. They bit of more then they can chew. The concept is there but it not executed right.
Your missing the point. Halo's (The Games) have always been trend setters, not followers.
After 343 kept the series alive with halo 4 and then killed it with halo 5, this was supposed to be there big epic return, trying to recapture and reboot the days of 2001 Halo. Most fans that have been riding since day one know this is probably the series last attempt to keep the series alive and Microsoft knows that to, that's why there tying to pull out all the stops.
So did you get to play any of the tech previews to get an actual feel for the game, or are you just typing shyt?

Multiplayer is already certified flames and a return to form, the campaign was the only unknown up to this point