be back in a bit
All Star
agree on all that. Though I'm shyt with the sniper, Halo 2 ruined me with its swipe sniping. :wow2:Outside of the pistol the shooting skill isnt that great. The Autos are too easy to use. The BR and DMR are too easy to use and the sniper got everyone looking like pros. The game has similar mechanics to other fps games (sprint and clamber) so that adjustment period isnt going to be as long as going from blops 3 to halo 1-3.
I feel like clamber and sprint add complexity to the game though, in a good way. You can choose to sprint away but risk having a longer uncharged shield. And like you said clamber makes chasing enemies more complicated because they have so many more options.
All in all I think the game is pretty dope. The maps are probably the worst aspect of the game for me, but I prefer them to Halo Reach and 4's at least. Sprinting is the main problem here when it comes to map design.