[QUOTE="Dip, post: 14312735, member: 7629"]You think Haiti becoming a French colony again would be good how? Howd that work for DR? Hows Martinique and Guadeloupe doing?
What you're suggesting won't happen ever. And if it did happen only famine, war, and more problems would be created
i have Haitian ancestors but i wouldn't consider myself Haitian. but most of the post you are making in here show that you have little knowledge of Haitian culture and history and you're better off taking the time to read up a little more. you came into this thread as if surprised Haiti had colorism issues. last i checked EVERY non white nation had colorism issues. that alone tells me you aren't as knowledgeable as you think. if i come across as hostile and combative that's just how i am.
And i'm not giving the Haitian government a pass. Some of the Haitian posters can probably give more insight but too often the elite Haitians go to France or Miami or screw over the masses in fits of greed. but time and time again outside forces go into Haiti and destabilize it. US not recognizing Haiti til the Civil War, the paying of reparation to France, Germany getting invovled in Hait, MINUSTAH etc. etc.[/QUOTE]
My knowledge revolves around the basics, I never claimed to be an expert on Haiti's political history and made that pretty clear on the very first post. Hence why I invited Haitians to speak on the subject further. So why you insist on bringing it up constantly is beyond me. I zeroed in on colorism and loosely tied it to how it is in effect in Haitian society by drawing from what I've read from I read it's history-separate from DR. You came in with condescension, in the very first post...so I can only assume that hit a nerve despite you not considering yourself Haitian while you do acknowledge that you have Haitian background. Me being surprised that colorism exist in Haiti, is your own conclusion. I have been familiar with Haiti's history on the mixed race ruling elite for a while...I just created the thread recently to open a discussion.
Well that's not something to be proud of. If I can get that through your words, I can only imagine how you are to deal with in person. You are being unnecessarily egregious to posters who are only engaging you in conversation. Perhaps you shouldn't debate with people if you are going to come across that angry.
In addition, I have noticed that many american born second generation immigrant children have a different way.to idenfy than those who live ib canada. I csn only assume it's due to america's melting lot5 principle. But I fail to see how you have direct Haitiab ancestors (mother) ...Whether on one side or both...and you not considering yourself Haitian. That's weird to me, your american passport doesnt change your lineage and the fact is you don't share the history off AA in the Us...unless of course you are half AA.