Haiti: Nearly a Million People Took to the Streets.They Want the Western-imposed government out of

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
I hate these frauds

No - Daily mass protests against racial economic apartheid, which can only be defeated with the removal of the client regime of Jovenel Moïse, installed by Obama/Clinton and supported/upheld by Trump and the Core Group (US, Canada, France, Brazil, Spain, Germany, EU, UN & OAS).

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Haiti: President's Own Commission for a Non-Violent Resolution Loses 4 Members


On Wednesday, the fourth and last of the seven members not integrally tied to the administration, resigned from President Jovenel Moïse's commission that was set up a week prior to work with opponents for a non-violent resolution to the political crisis in Haiti.

Three members resigned from the commission within an hour of a speech delivered by the Head of State on Tuesday morning. Those were, former de facto Prime Minister Evans Paul, former Senate President Jean Rodolphe Joazile and former Justice Minister Josue Pierre Louis.

The speech that morning was very inflammatory by all accounts. The President Moïse launched attacks against members of private sector, made false claims about state contracts, touted himself as a defender against the system before trivializing the struggle against the Duvalier dictatorship that culminated in 1986.

On Wednesday, Sainphor Liné Balthazard, the Head of the Haitian Tét Kale Party (PHTK) left the commission.

Opposition leaders had taken two days, Tuesday and Wednesday, to remember and lay to rest the more than two dozen that have died in the movements of the past month and more than 135 over the past year. It was on that first day of calm, Tuesday, the President Moïse disturbed the peace with his inflammatory remarks.

Haiti: President's Own Commission for a Non-Violent Resolution Loses 4 Members

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

22 October 2019
Haiti’s Endless Sorrows
By Stephen Lendman

Few people anywhere have suffered as long and egregiously as Haitians.

No strangers to adversity and anguish, for over 500 years, they endured severe oppression, slavery, despotism, colonization, reparations, embargoes, sanctions, deep poverty, starvation, unrepayable debt, and natural calamities.

Except for brief interregnum periods, most recently under priest, educator, man of the people-turned politician Jean-Bertrand Aristide in the 1990s and early new millennium years, Haitian misery continues unabated.

Toppled twice by US regimes — by Bush I in 1991, again in 2004 Bush II/Cheney, Aristide no longer is involved in Haitian politics. Widespread suffering has gone on for time immemorial.

Today Haitians are enduring some of their worst ever oppression, misrule, and deprivation under US puppet Jovenel Moise since installed in February 2017.

Protests for his removal raged almost daily since July 2018. Countless thousands of long-suffering Haitians have demonstrated in the capital Port-au-Prince and other cities nationwide.

They demand Moise’s resignation, installation of a transitional government, repeal of increased gasoline and other punitive taxes, as well as against regime corruption and oppression.

On Monday, Liberation News called Haiti’s landscape “apocalyptic, reflecting the fierce class war that has been waged since (summer 2018), if not for decades,” adding:

“The huge crowds are heroically taking to the streets to defend Haitian sovereignty from the murderous military forces and corrupt, corporate interests that dominate the Haitian government.”

“With each passing day and week, the movement only continues to grow in size and strength” — despite brutal regime violence, other human rights abuses, and indifference to popular needs and rights.

Police consistently attack protesters with tear gas, water cannons, beatings, and live fire, killing around 20 in recent weeks, arresting and injuring countless others.

Brutality failed to deter justifiable public rage over intolerable conditions, including deep poverty, lack of vital public services, unaffordability of food and other essentials to life, along with grand theft by Moise, other regime officials and cronies.

Haiti is indebted to the IMF and World Bank loan sharks of last resort, demanding their pound of flesh, compelling indebted nations to erode social services so they, private bankers and other corporate predators are paid, ordinary people exploited to serve them.

Haitians mostly suffer from longstanding US imperial control, plundering the country and exploiting its people for profit, no matter the human toll.

It’s what Chicago School fundamentalism is all about, featuring free-wheeling capitalism, unrestrained profit-making, public wealth in private hands, minimal (if any) social services, government serving powerful interests exclusively, human rights and needs ignored, along with harsh crackdowns on critics.

Haiti is the region’s poorest country, most of its people struggling on less than $2 a day to survive, enduring hunger, malnutrition, overall deprivation, and repressive rule.

Moise is Washington’s man in Port-au-Prince.

Reviled by Haitians, protests continue to replace him.

Opposition elements formed so-called transition commissions, wanting him replaced with provisional rule, possibly a new constitution.

Falsely claiming it would be “irresponsible” for him to resign, his days may be numbered, dark forces in Washington perhaps wanting a clean slate with new puppet rule to try assuaging public rage.

No matter who’s in charge internally, US grip on the country is firm. Earlier in October, Haiti Liberte reported that anti-Moise protests continue with no signs of abating.

They’ve partially or entirely shut down Port-au-Prince, burning barricades, disrupting commerce, and weakening Moise’s hold on power.

Millions of Haitians won’t be deterred until he’s gone — what replaces him likely to be continued dirty business as usual like most always before.

Last week, Haiti Liberte editor Kim Ives reported that UN blue helmet MINUSTAH forces ended 15 years of repressive post-Aristide occupation on October 15.

They’re replaced by the so-called UN Integrated Office in Haiti (UNHIN), headed by Helen La Lime, a career State Department official, serving US imperial interests.

Ives explained that

“UNHIN has a one-year mandate to advise the Haitian government on ways to ‘promote and strengthen stability and good governance (and) support the government in the areas of elections, police, human rights, prison administration, and justice system reform.”

Like nearly always before, when things change in Haiti and other US-controlled countries, everything stays the same under new faces, continuing exploitation and repression.

Haiti’s Endless Sorrows - Global Research

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Saturday, September 21

Note: In the La Saline massacre it was over 70 murder and 100 injuries, and rape. The UN lie about the number to make it seem small

Leader for Unpaid Gov't Workers Shot and Killed in Drive-by. Police Blamed

Witnesses say Rigueur Pierre Richard was killed in a drive-by shooting. He was two blocks from the National Palace. On social media some are saying the assailants were in police uniform.

Two other people were injured in the attack. The drive-by took place on the sidelines of nationwide protests for the resignation of President Jovenel Moise and against a severe fuel shortage.

Rigueur Pierre Richard was an employee for the Ouest Departmental Delegation (DDO) and was known for leading protests and work stoppages for the state employees owed wages, some as much as two years in the arrears.

It is important to note that the Departmental Delegate of the Ouest, who runs the DDO office, is Joseph Pierre Richard Duplan. Duplan is cited in multiple investigative reports, including one conducted by the United Nations, for having coordinated the November 2018 massacre of the residents of the underpriviledged district of La Saline.

President Jovenel Moise, who appointed Pierre Richard Duplan and another government official involved, Fednel Moncherry, has not spoken on the attack much less taken any action on it.

The U.N. human rights division reported that in the La Saline massacre 23 were killed and 71 were wounded. It added that government officials used street gangs and specialized police force units to lay seige on the community of La Saline for two and a half days.

At nearby police stations, the screams and gunfire could be heard by no other officers responded. The residents were killed, raped and wounded. Mr. Duplan was witnessed on the scene and is said to have ordered the massacre because that community was paramount in launching protests against corruption of the Petrocaribe fund.


Pierre Richard Duplan with Jovenel Moise
PHTK candidates Pierre Richard Duplan and Jovenel Moise campaigning in 2016.

Pierre Richard Rigueur on the mobilization DDO employees
Continuing Friday, July 5, 2019 the mobilization of employees of the Departmental Directorate of the Ouest (DDO) to claim the payment of up to two (2) years of salary arrears.

Leader for Unpaid Gov't Workers Shot and Killed in Drive-by. Police Blamed
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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

Sunday's carnavalesque artist protests in #Haiti organized by the Cheramy, Boulos, Latortue triumvirate, has effectively sidelined REAL protests leading to calls 4 negotiations in several quarters. That was their intention but will soon see authentic movement in streets again.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

This is what im talking about. All that hotel hotel shyt is bs

It doesnt do anything. Alot of these new business in Haiti is build from the stolen petrocaribe and these people still dont pay the workers they amount.

Some of the new business is own by tet kale party memebers and the wealthy business elite or the corrupted foreigners plugged in with the UN/US trained haitian police force

Good amount of the Hotels in Haiti is own by the foreigners and wealthy businessman that have been using the hotel for white foreigners trafficking spot/stop for haitian women and girls