Haiti: Nearly a Million People Took to the Streets.They Want the Western-imposed government out of

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Monday, September 30, 2019

100 University Professors Call for Resignation of President Jovenel Moïse and Others


More than one hundred professors of the State University of Haiti have signed on to an open letter calling for the resignation of President Jovenel Moïse and not just him. As well, the Presidents of the Senate, Chamber of Deputies and Judiciary are requested their resignations in order to a facilitate a refounding of the country.

"To stop the chaos in which the country is rushing, to give hope to families, young people, entrepreneurs, workers, we call the President of the Republic, the presidents of both Houses of Parliament, the President of the Court of Cassation and president of the High Council of the Judiciary to recognize their collective failure and to resign, in order to allow the establishment of a concerted solution," write the group of university professors in a note received Thursday, September 26, 2019, by the editorial staff of Le Nouvelliste. Another draft of the note was published as a petition to Change.org on the same day.

"The country creates fear and we are once again the laughingstock of the international press, who enjoys the image of the accursed country, unable to meet the grandiose challenges of its glorious independence. We have failed to give our country stable and secure institutions that guarantee the respect of the will of the greatest number for the sake of fairness and sharing," write the dismayed the professors who say that the three powers are incapable of bringing a response to claims of welfare and justice expressed in various forms by the population for several months.

Conscious and challenged by the economic situation, teachers believe, above all, that it is a political, social and economic crisis. Their report is simple. "The three powers of the state are in crisis." They point the finger at the executive who, involved in scandals of prevarication, nepotism, conflicts of interest which, they say, remains deaf to the multiple claims for a trial on the PetroCaribe fund, the fight against corruption, against clientelism and the dearness of life.

The professors criticize the legislative power that has been marginalized from the legitimate aspirations of society and is being decried by the presence in the lower house as well as in the Senate of corrupt agents who have compromised themselves in shady stories of bribes and trafficking in influence that does not do justice to their respective constituencies. They also denounce the judicial power, which they write, is very advanced in its decomposition, with judges of dubious competence, sentences given according to principles that deny the most basic human rights, and mechanisms that fuel impunity and generate settlements.

At a social level, teachers observe that the country is experiencing a wave of violence that undermines its foundations and makes the law of desctruction prevail. The population is left on their own, and the police have failed in their mission, they note. Add to that, the bankruptcy of the institutions including the CSC/CA, the OPC, the ULCC, the UCREF, the prosecution, who do not know how to play their role as vigils in the interest of the society.

The signatories of the note endorsed by professors Ronald Jean-Jacques, Jean-Marie Raymond Noël, Odile Reiher and Jean-Marie Théodat evoke the degeneration of the situation on the economic level. "The national currency is in free fall against the dollar, the factories close, one after another, the conditions to attract foreign direct investment are not met, inflation is galloping as much as the distress of the majority of the population," they write, considering as only hypothetical, the hope of a better tomorrow for younger generations.

The academics point to the lack of credibility of the President, the Parliament, the Judiciary, among the various components of society. They claim to take note of the ungovernability of the situation in which the country is sinking in every day, because of their arrogance, their laxity, their incompetence, their irresponsibility and the gluttony of each of these three powers.

In this sense, they call for the responsibility of the three powers to surpass the individual self. They invite the President of the Republic, the Presidents of the two Chambers of Parliament, the President of the Court of Cassation and President of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary to acknowledge their collective failure and to resign, with a view to enabling the establishment of a concerted solution to the situation of chaos in which the country is bogged down in. The professors announce that they are already working so that the university institution plays its part, fully, in order to facilitate the consultations.

100 University Professors Call for Resignation of President Jovenel Moïse and Others
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SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012