This movie summed up everything about what I hate about closet #newblacks.
A lot of them secretly want to be culturally accepted with white people REALLY bad and will be the biggest militants out of everyone to do it and get attention. They will call everyone else c00ns for nearly anything, they will talk about how much blacker they are than everyone else, will be the first to butcher accurate history, will perpetuate black stereotypes, call biracials "half-breeds", encourage rampant materialism and will make EVERYTHING about race. They act like militants as a front to save face to keep people from knowing what is up like a homophobe who despises gay people trying to cover up their own latent desires.
Instead of being themselves they water down legitimate racial issues and concerns with their constant whining.
White girl/guy didn't date them? RACISM!!
White girl/guy dates them? RACISM THROUGH RACE FETISH!!!
Black guy/girl doesn't date them? SELF-HATING RACIST!!!
Show with a mostly black cast? WHAT A MINISTREL SHOW!!!
Show with a few blacks? WHAT, THEY CAN ONLY LET ONE IN?
Someone doesn't want to touch my hair? THEY HATE BLACK HAIR OR SOMETHING?
Someone wants to touch my hair? I'M NOT YOUR PET NEGRO SLAVE!!!
The funniest part is that they won't do anything or attempt to achieve real world solutions about legitimate racial issues like housing discrimination, cultural attitudes/perceptions, segregation, job discrimination, achievement gaps, community crime, educational discrimination, etc and they will usually calm down once they get a white boyfriend/girlfriend and a group of white friends that accept them which was their original goal from the get go.
They won't donate money to legitimate(Umar isn't) racial causes, mentor black youths, do community service in the black community, fight legitimate legal causes for minorities, obtain resources for those in impoverished black communities, give skills/jobs training to those in need, help create opportunities for black emerging adults, etc. They sure as hell will make a Facebook post about how persecuted they are for their "big thick beautiful lips and ethnic hair" from their mostly white suburban neighborhood because every white person there is not bending over backwards to be friends with them just because they're black.
I don't consider myself a black militant, I'm an anti-racist(I hate all forms of racial discrimination regardless of race) but if you're newblack, please just come out of the newblack closet and stop calling everyone c00ns making anti-racists look like a bunch of reject half-ass retarded hotep nation members in a pissing contest with each other. We have actual legitimate concerns outside of your desire to label everyone white-washed because we didn't hit a daily quota of calling 20 black people c00ns a week or send out copies of Hidden Colors for Christmas.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks #tryingtohard