We are all in danger (black, white, etc,) because this country continues to coddle white lunatics and extremists by allowing them freedoms that they don’t give to non-whites. They gladly allowed this man to buy a fukking AR15. What the fukk do you just sell a dude a AR15 and do no monitoring or investigation just because he is whiteCan someone give me a good explanation as to why this dude is allowed to have that fukking gun? Like give me a good logical explanation.
This shyt is never gonna stop as long as any fukking guy off the street can get his hands on a weapon capable of killing 20+ people in a span of twenty minutes. At least with a car you can cite an alternate purpose for the device besides killing shyt.
You can do all the hunting you please and defend your home with a fukking bolt action rifle or a pump action shotgun. You also aren’t gonna kill 20 people with those items.
This country was built off mass murdering, enslaving CACs. They are going to turn on each other like the Roman Empire. I love itThe white community really needs to sit down and have a serious discussion on their mass-murderer problem.
He looks European
Yall dudes be tripping on this site man, those were innocent people
I'm thinking about the 14-year old girl. Kids don't know anything, they just want to have fun and she gone now