Dude in the wheelchair was Tom Walker from Homeland.
That shyt was awful, I was actually getting upset at them fukking up the song that badly. Only thing missing was Gemma singing on the shyt

Of course not. They didn't ask him why shyt went down or anything.
Nero ain't been shyt since he was about to take the charge for the Sons like 2 days after meeting him, which would've mean his disabled son would've been a ward of the state.
His life has gone to shyt since meeting the Sons, yet he continues to ride for them, putting him and his people in danger every second he remains addicted to Gemma.
They'll be back. The Sons will need someone to blame once they realize the Chinese didn't do it.
*Sons have Len tied up in the parking lot of a factory in broad daylight with guns drawn*
Jax: We killed your man because he killed my wife, you had him killed.

We didn't kill him, dude was in NY for his father's funeral, the obituary and time stamped photo with him near the casket is in my car
Len: Who told you we did that
Jax: The blacks
It's essentially all the

we've had the past 3 seasons in one episode.
Most of the people watching this are doing so because they've already invested 6 seasons, want to see how it ends and because it's fun talking about the fukkery.
Deciding to catch up on the show earlier this year may have been one of the worst tv decisions of my life.
Broad daylight in a residential neighborhood they're gonna shoot someone in the knee and then James Byrd someone in a wheel chair while wearing colors?
Broad daylight, while wearing colors, they're gonna go into an apartment, shoot and kill 3 pastors and the wife of a pastor and no one hears anything?
The DA is another authority official that feels sorry for the Sons and wants to help
The fukk Unser going through people shyt for