For those of you keeping score at home, SAMCRO has murdered more blacks and minorities this season than the whole Aryan Brotherhood has but they're the "****** lovers that hate those nazis" I dont think the AB has even caught any black bodies outside of that cop, they're just all talk, they looked at the dead ****** storage truck like "wait? guys actually killed them? why? "
That ambiguously racist crew vs obviously racist crew fight looked like a wrangler commercial. I was waiting for

to show up with a football and tell jax to go long.
I really can't wait for this show to end, its obvious its written for simpletons and idiots. I feel sorry for people who take this serious.This shyt is more
comedy than drama at this point.
Juice will give Alvarez any intel he has......EXCEPT the one piece of intel that would actually make a difference about a person who tried to kill you one day earlier that could pretty much end the street war. Then he's trapped in a room with Nero and says absolutely nothing about it. Juices loyalty to people who want to kill him is stupid. What makes it even more worse is that Alvarez JUST FINISHED SAYING HE WAS GOING TO GET INFO ABOUT THE SUNS....but takes none from the guy with no reason to lie to him. I swear every "boss" on this show is an idiot.
Jax thinking Taras murder is ore important than the head sheriff of the county getting killed

they haven't even said Roosevelts name all season.
Know how i know juice is black? cause jax ordered him to kill that girl and nero holds the grudge against him for being a soldier and following orders all the while telling jax that he loves him and calling him brother. That is the official sutter SOA black guy treatment.
So at the end of the day, Lin is going to get shanked in a jail cell he shouldn't even be in for a murder he didn't even commit. Rough being a minority on this show. The dude who said tyler talks like a runaway slave was right, dude is always on some "whut is weez gunna do massa jax? Im 'fraid suh. Mah tinee negro brain don't be wurkin like yours boss."
I can't wait until the god mode cheat code that allows these dudes to stare down the barrels of guns and smile, have speeding cars come to a full stop in front of their bikes, and get their A1 felony cases thrown out of court wears off.