What’s wrong with always online Meach?
Nothing for games that are actually online multiplayer games.
In this case single player content is locked out too if a connection is lost.
Nope, you can have a totally single player experience with the crew. But you still have to be "always online"
It's the future, embrace it
And if your gonna be having so much fun playing "always online" games, why do you have a problem with a once a day system check in?
...the moment there's something that looks like a traditional single player game, but requires an online connection, the concern trolls will come out
Yeah I just hope devs quit letting "concern trolls" alter their creative decision making.
nikka, quit acting dumb. It's online multi-player based game that'll be downloaded from PSN. No one has a problem with an online multi-player based game being always online. Folks don't want single-player based games being always online, especially if it's a retail copy.
If the majority of the games your playing, including single player, are online based, then why does a once a day online check in bother you?
I'm just saying that folks should have the option to play single player games offline if they want to or online with all the perks if they want to, just like on "Steam". It shouldn't be forced on them.
Steam "forces" you to be online in order to ask for permission to go into offline mode. There is no way you could be a steam user if you don't have the Internet. Same goes for the Xbox One you have the option of playing single player games offline, but it is an online based system. Obviously you have the Internet, and obviously you are interested in online games, so why is an Internet requirement a problem for you?