Mr Uncle Leroy
All Star
So you are white as well but I have a Master's degree in African American studies from Cal-Berkley and I used to work in the innercity.Black people don't have that sense of communalism, and for that matter neither do white people. The only people that do are immigrant groups from their respective nations who have established, homogenous communities in various locales.
Group economics for black people would be a good thing. As for why it doesn't happen, there's an obvious historical explanation. Black Americans were brought here against their will, stripped of family, culture, spiritual bonds, broken up, scattered around, mixed in with other races, integrated in with whites,and conditioned to compete against each other for the last 3 centuries. I don't think it's fair to say we're scared. We just suffer from a unique mis-shapen history and culture that's led to a weird dynamic.
That's a completely different dynamic than a group of ethnically homogenous immigrants from Italy, Nigeria, Cambodia or wherever it may be that start a foothold in some locale. They see one of their own and they're likeBlack Americans and white Americans both are so heterogeneous in every way they see one of their own race and they're just another person. It wouldn't be that bad if we weren't socioeconomically at the bottom. White people can get away with it because such a great proportion of them have been middle class and higher for generations. Even that's changing though.
How was it? Why did you choose AA studies? Whats your undergrad? How are you using the degree now?