I'm not sure if Greece's situation would count. This wasn't a totalitarian regime that was kicked out, it was a democratically elected government that mismanaged Greek resources. What kind of precedent would that set? If the Democrats take both the house and senate next election, could they claim that any debt incurred under the Republican majority years is odious? It would seem like there would have to be extenuating circumstances (war debt, revolutionary debt, etc) to classify Greece's debt as odious, and the situation in which Greece accepted the bailout money was more or less the same as any other country that accepted the bailout money. The government was democratically elected, so I don't think it can be legitimately claimed that they weren't acting in the interest of the people.
That video missed a point which is derivatives being part of the debt. Its similar to totalitarian regimes spending on lavish goods not for the people.
1) In other words, entities will place bets on a countries' bonds, also called derivatives.
2) These bets have no standing, they are like people in a casino making bets on a sports team. They are like you having flood insurance, but someone makes a bet on if you will have to use your flood insurance or not.
3) Yet the country is liable for the derivative betting if they don't pan out ......ie. Greece is on the hook for people/entities making bets on them being able to repay their bonds...that is larger more contemporary term for "odious debt". It is is toxic debt.......i.e. Toxic Asset Relief Program a.k.a T.A.R.P. of 2008, when we bailed out a bunch of banks for derivative bets placed mainly on the housing market
4) Iceland said no they wouldn't repay back "odious debt" and jailed bankers.
$26 Trillion In Global Derivatives About To Implode If Greece Bankruptcy Unfolds
Thursday, February 26, 2015 13:37
"Run by radical leftists"
He further notes:
Adding to the drama is the fact that the Greek government is rapidly running out of money. According to the Wall Street Journal, Greece is "on course to run out of money within weeks if it doesn't gain access to additional funds, effectively daring Germany and its other European creditors to let it fail and stumble out of the euro."
Now, there have been previous moments of crisis involving Greece, obviously. But things may be different this time around, Snyder warns. The new government is being run by radicals, and their entire campaign was based on ending the austerity that was imposed by the bailout, which was worth more than $270 billion.
"If they buckle under the demands of the European financial lords, their credibility will be gone and Syriza will essentially be finished in Greek politics," he wrote. "But if they don't compromise, Greece could be forced to leave the eurozone and we could potentially be facing the equivalent of 'financial Armageddon' in Europe. If nobody flinches, the eurozone will fall to pieces, the euro will collapse and trillions upon trillions of dollars in derivatives will be in jeopardy."
How many trillions? According to the Bank for International Settlements, more than $24 trillion in currency derivatives are tied to the value of the euro.
To put that in perspective, Snyder notes, the U.S. government is on pace to spend about $4 trillion in fiscal 2015. The entire U.S. national debt, while very large itself, is only $18 trillion.
"So 26 trillion dollars is an amount of money that is almost unimaginable," he wrote. "And of course those are just the derivatives that are directly tied to the euro. Overall, the total global derivatives bubble is more than 700 trillion dollars in size."
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/048777_Greece_European_Union_global_derivatives.html#ixzz3fJivE6We
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