Music Fiend
Made a dumb choice. Got blacked out drunk last night while I was out, and obviously made the decision to drive home which was about 15 miles away straight shot. Made it 14 miles and hit a curve a few blocks from my crib.
Popped my tire. I pulled into a lil shopping center parking lot and tried to sleep it off, but in my drunk stupor, I left my keys in the ignition and was pulled up on by a few cops. I'm certified dumbass.
Apparently, I was 2x over the legal limit. SMFH
I could have killed someone. Gotta get my life right again, all this partying I do leads nowhere good time and time again.
Bro's who have caught a DUI, what do I do now? Obviously i want to avoid a major license suspension or having to have a breathalyzer on my car to drive.
Also, will hiring my own lawyer instead of a Public defender even help?
Thanks guys.

Apparently, I was 2x over the legal limit. SMFH

Bro's who have caught a DUI, what do I do now? Obviously i want to avoid a major license suspension or having to have a breathalyzer on my car to drive.
Also, will hiring my own lawyer instead of a Public defender even help?
Thanks guys.