Let me add on to this. Sodium is a problem, but more research is coming out to say low Potassium is a bigger issue. Potassium balances sodium and is needed but most people don't get nearly enough. I read somewhere black men actually require more potassium than white men to see the blood pressure lowering effects. I started drinking 3 glasses of low sodium V8 juice a day (lots of potassium) and saw a significant drop in BP.
Also recommend getting your blood glucose checked. We know diabetes is high among blacks, but people forget about Insulin resistance. Both are correlated with increased blood pressure.
Thank you for this information. I did not know this at all. It's good that information like this can be shared. I don't have any issues with diabetes. I just had a wellness exam to check for everything. Doc was just like your BP is way to high, here are your meds. lol
I started drinking Organic Beet Juice. It's truly disgusting, I'm not going to lie. Think about how you played football growing up and you got a mouth full of dirt. Yeah it's that bad. But I encourage every man to drink this. Here is why
1. Lowers BP
2. Increases Libido- I literally feel like I'm in my 20s again. lol
3. Improves circulation- All those thick ankles you see out in the streets are a lot of times from poor circulation
4. Improves stamina- I can work out longer than I ever had. You have to drink it two hours before it kicks for this though.
I just did a google search and they say it has potassium in it! I'm also going to look at how to increase my potassium on top of that. Thanks breh.