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rubio>cruz all day.they pointed this out multiple times (and probably in this thread) at least 4 of these motherfukkers need to go.
paul, christie, huckabee, kasich, rubio, walker![]()
just sayin....
rubio>cruz all day.they pointed this out multiple times (and probably in this thread) at least 4 of these motherfukkers need to go.
paul, christie, huckabee, kasich, rubio, walker![]()
rubio>cruz all day.
just sayin....
it'll never happen. Their strategy has been to double down and go full retard on their policy rather than accept the fact that all their old ass constituents are basically dying. They've lost touch with "real" america. Their base is racist, xenophobic, and radical Christians and while they make a lot of noise there aren't a lot of them...well there are a lot of them just not enough to win...and they are dying. Old people support the GOP out of habit, young people support the GOP because they're racist, or they just read Atlas Shrugged, in either case the old demo is dying and the new demo is small...I got away to watch this with out any interruptions. Not that I really care too much but it is sad that the Democrat isn't even going to get challenged this cycle while the current president is a better candidate than both, if he could run of course. GOP panders to too many bases and if you don't cover enough of them, you get called a RINO. Not to mention, the electorate doesn't favor them in the slightest. The semi-sensible ones like a Kasich this cycle or Huntsman last cycle get disposed of fairly quickly. They are going to get slaughtered next year. Republicans need a clean install on everything in relation to where we are as a country and to a lesser extent, the world.
personally they should both drop out. Matter of fact the whole damn field should drop out and they just just let Trump ride it out.while I agree it was more of a take your pick.
Coulter spitting fire.
She won't have an impact. You need to be a politician to truly change the tide of the theocrats in that wing of the party...being a loud pundit won't cut it.
I agree with her on the immigration issue...doesn't mean she's any less of a white supremacist with a secret love of da BBCwhile I agree and I think she's a loudmouth moron in the vein of Rush Limbaugh she has a point.
rubio>cruz all day.
just sayin....