Rebirth is upon Us 2025
‘Why not its innovation and something the gaming world needs. The next gen (7 years from today) not going to be consoles breh.
But you don't own the games, your only paying for the access....

‘Why not its innovation and something the gaming world needs. The next gen (7 years from today) not going to be consoles breh.
But you don't own the games, your only paying for the access....the trade off sucks...
If Stadia had more games for their Pro membership like Xbox game pass, it would be the best. I think over time, they could gain traction....if they stick with it.
They'll probably throw it away like Google Plus, tho.
Facts.Also they have no mind-blowing exclusives for their platform that makes any base gamer want to buy the shyt..,when most people already have a PS4 or Xbox...
there is literally no incentive to buy it...
technically you don't own them even on discs. it's all just licensing. I see what you mean tho, it would be a lot better if you could keep your saves off line at leastI honestly don’t. It’s just another way for these companies to have control over ur content. I DO NOT like the idea of just streaming games. All of that shyt is account based and if u lose ur account all of ur games go with it. Nah fukk all that. EA fukked me over for a few weeks like that when they mistakenly banned my EA account. Lost some of my saves n all that when I got it back. U don’t truly own shyt in this digital era. I hate it.
everybody I know had Google plus
i dont know, my feed was jumpingdidn't they practically force you to have one though
But I'm supposed to kick out $60 for the games and keep paying the subscription fee? Nahhhhhhhhh
Stadia Connect tomorrow at 1pm eastern
https://www-gamespot-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.gamespot.com/amp-videos/stadia-connect/2300-6453364/?amp_js_v=a3&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQIKAGwASDYAQE=#aoh=15946948293728&referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From %1$s&share=https://www.gamespot.com/videos/stadia-connect-livestream-july-2020/2300-6453364/