Good Lord 19 Guys Friend zoned to oblivion on Facebook


Dec 31, 2012
I can believe that car pic. The simp movement is real. I personally know a guy who makes all these other simps look like amateurs.

He met a woman in a chat room a few years ago. She was fine as hell (South African). They chatted for a few months and she told him how much she wanted to come to America. She talked about how hard it was over there (her situation was really bad). He was really into her and she acted like she was interested in him. He flew out to see her and although he stayed there for 2 weeks. He said he didn't hit it. He said that she was a virgin and wasn't ready to have sex yet.

He got back to the states and was nice enough to offer her a chance to come to America. He ended up going back over there to marry her and then started the process for her to get her visa. He was hoping that she would fall in love with him or something.

Anyway, he gets back, starts her process, and eventually she makes it over here. She told him that she has another friend in America that she wants to stay with. Now the entire time she is here, he is constantly trying to take her out and buy her stuff. She would just giggle about it but I could tell that she wasn't interested. I tried to tell him that he was wasting his time and he could find someone here to fukk for free. He told me that I was jealous and hating on him so after that, I just let him do what he wanted and I didn't give him any more advice.

To make a long story short, she told him that she wasn't interested in him but thanked him for the visa. Despite this, this nikka still finished the process for her to get her green card. On top of that, she met another dude here, had sex, and ended up having a baby.

This was a few years back and this dude is still a simp for her. They call each other best friends. Off the top of my head, here are some of the things I know for sure he has did:

1: Paid her rent

2: Let her keep the entire tax return (they had to file together since they were married so it included both of their salaries)

3: bought her 2 cars (the first one broke down so he bought the second)

4: Paid her car insurance

And here is the big one..............He has watched her son while she goes out with her BOYFRIEND! I specifically remember a couple weekends ago where he took her son to the movies because she wanted to go with her boyfriend to some upscale restaurant.

What pisses me off is that she lets him do all this stuff and all she does it give him a hug and a thank you. He told me that he never hit it and that he doesn't want to because they are such good friends. I always think that one day, he will probably flip out and strangle her or something.
I almost cried reading this shyt.


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
its not even playing a game, its called making lemonade my nikka. Make the best out of any situation. I wanted to smash this chick years back got that friend zone, so I just put her on the back burner and kept in touch. Year later Im fukking her on her roommate couch. Meanwhile some lame spent like 300 bucks on her for a night out in NY and all I did was buy sonics :manny:

Pretty much put myself in the position of the man that was invited over, bought some food and fukked instead of the man that was trying to win her heart with gifts and shyt, hoping to get that wyd text:smugbiden:

So the brawd turned heel on you when she was in her prime, then finally let get some playing time after you sat in the D-league waiting your turn? She finally called you up after a couple brehs got to run the point first. :blush:

Breh, I love you like cooked food but I am disappoint at these infractions against the game you've been committing. :blush:


May 6, 2012
My best friend, dude I've been knowing since we was in high school and call my brother from another mother is what we call a Super-simp. Me and another mutual homeboy have taken to calling this dude Captain-Save- A-Hoe:cape: and now our entire group of mutual friends calls him that. Peep this...

Dude has a HISTORY of simping, he fell in love with my sister a couple years ago and I didn;t have any problems with it. Figured if she was going to be with somebody might as well be with someone I know and trust will treat her good. Man she straight took advantage of my nikka like you couldn't believe. Had him driving to come pick her up at all hours of the night from her friends house, driving to get her from the club, driving to pick her up from College , helped get her a job (we all three, plus our other mutual homeboy worked at Best Buy at the time) and she ended up cheating on him with one of our co-workers:snoop:

EVERYONE from me, my homeboy, even my FATHER told him to dump her. That she wasn't ready for a serious mature relationship and that the best thing to do was drop her, cut your losses, and once she sees how good she had it she'll end up regretting what she did.... What this nikka do? Break down crying telling her how much he loved her and went and brought her a ring:deadmanny: He then threatened old boy that she was cheating with and told him that he was going to kill him:snoop:

To make a long story short she ended up dumping him 3 months after the cheating incident and now she's happily dating a White boy:scusthov:

Second Story...

So me and my homeboy (we'll call him "Jerome" for short) decide to join the Army together. I end up going Active duty and he decides to go Reserves to we end up in two different basic training bases. He falls in love with this chick while at Basic and everything seems cool.....UNTIL they both graduated and ending up going to two different AIT's (this is where you go after Basic training to learn your MOS) So the bytch has some sort of "breakdown" goes off and MARRIES A RANDOM nikka SHE KNEW FOR 6 WEEKS and decides to live with him in Virginia. 4 MONTHS LATER She calls my boy Jerome crying talking about how her husband beats her and keeps here in the house all day and she can't take it anymore. Jerome DRIVES TO VIRGINIA gets ole girl, all her stuff, and brings her back to Atlanta to stay with her mother (who hadn't hear from her since she got married) So now their BACK together for about 6 months until Jerome gets tired of her immature attitude and dumps her...

Third Story....

I tell my boy Jerome he should stop messing with these immature, confused women our age and try to get with an older chick. So Jerome meets a woman whose about 29 (three years older) no kids, solid job, college degree. Everything seems good. They get together, he pays for her car insurance, two months of her rent, gives her money for gas, and buy's her a smartphone and puts her on his cellphone plan:aicmon:. He then decides that they should move in together so he rents a nice two bedroom apartment for about $950 a month. Less than ONE MONTH after moving in together problems start cropping up. Suddenly she doesn't want to have sex anymore, doesn't want to give head, and is acting generally stand offish. She begins sleeping in the second bedroom alone and doesn't want to go out on dates. She eventually tells Jerome that she thinks she's still in love with her ex-boyfriend (the Ex boyfriend who she had once told Jerome use to beat her and left her when he got another woman pregnant) and needs time to "think her feelings through":wtf:. So she MOVES OUT of the apartment, leaving him to pay the full rent by himself, and moves BACK IN with her convict boyfriend. Meanwhile Jerome is stuck with the rent and a fukking phone bill every month that she gets for FREE

Jerome is my best friend, but Jerome has suffered so many losses at the hands of these females that I can't take ANY relationship he ever gets in seriously. Even my wife calls him an idiot. Just sad bruhs....sad...



All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
So the brawd turned heel on you when she was in her prime, then finally let get some playing time after you sat in the D-league waiting your turn? She finally called you up after a couple brehs got to run the point first. :blush:

Breh, I love you like cooked food but I am disappoint at these infractions against the game you've been committing. :blush:

Man your smiley game is killin me :dead:

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
So the brawd turned heel on you when she was in her prime, then finally let get some playing time after you sat in the D-league waiting your turn? She finally called you up after a couple brehs got to run the point first. :blush:

Breh, I love you like cooked food but I am disappoint at these infractions against the game you've been committing. :blush:

:youngsabo: you trying too hard. When I first tried to smash, she was a bit on the heavy side, but when I finally smash she was 20 pounds lighter and her hair was natural, I think that was her prime breh :win:

I was waiting yes but I was also fukking like 3 chicks during the wait so :manny: Acting like I was focused on her the whole time:stopitslime:

It wasnt a pity fukk, dont see what the problem is


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
:youngsabo: you trying too hard. When I first tried to smash, she was a bit on the heavy side, but when I finally smash she was 20 pounds lighter and her hair was natural, I think that was her prime breh :win:

I was waiting yes but I was also fukking like 3 chicks during the wait so :manny: Acting like I was focused on her the whole time:stopitslime:

It wasnt a pity fukk, dont see what the problem is

Pic Vio....we need them receipts playa. :smughickenbottom:
Aug 24, 2012
These dudes friend zoned themselves

Most dudes do.

They try to be a chick's "friend" instead of just telling her how they feel because they don't want to get shut down. Then they get all :sadbron: when she treats them... like a friend. :dwillhuh:

Then they get really bitter and post on The Coli in the "Quick Little Gems on Dealing with Women" thread.


DOOM, all capitals, no trick spellin'
May 15, 2013
Georgia, Home of the trillest
I can believe that car pic. The simp movement is real. I personally know a guy who makes all these other simps look like amateurs.

He met a woman in a chat room a few years ago. She was fine as hell (South African). They chatted for a few months and she told him how much she wanted to come to America. She talked about how hard it was over there (her situation was really bad). He was really into her and she acted like she was interested in him. He flew out to see her and although he stayed there for 2 weeks. He said he didn't hit it. He said that she was a virgin and wasn't ready to have sex yet.

He got back to the states and was nice enough to offer her a chance to come to America. He ended up going back over there to marry her and then started the process for her to get her visa. He was hoping that she would fall in love with him or something.

Anyway, he gets back, starts her process, and eventually she makes it over here. She told him that she has another friend in America that she wants to stay with. Now the entire time she is here, he is constantly trying to take her out and buy her stuff. She would just giggle about it but I could tell that she wasn't interested. I tried to tell him that he was wasting his time and he could find someone here to fukk for free. He told me that I was jealous and hating on him so after that, I just let him do what he wanted and I didn't give him any more advice.

To make a long story short, she told him that she wasn't interested in him but thanked him for the visa. Despite this, this nikka still finished the process for her to get her green card. On top of that, she met another dude here, had sex, and ended up having a baby.

This was a few years back and this dude is still a simp for her. They call each other best friends. Off the top of my head, here are some of the things I know for sure he has did:

1: Paid her rent

2: Let her keep the entire tax return (they had to file together since they were married so it included both of their salaries)

3: bought her 2 cars (the first one broke down so he bought the second)

4: Paid her car insurance

And here is the big one..............He has watched her son while she goes out with her BOYFRIEND! I specifically remember a couple weekends ago where he took her son to the movies because she wanted to go with her boyfriend to some upscale restaurant.

What pisses me off is that she lets him do all this stuff and all she does it give him a hug and a thank you. He told me that he never hit it and that he doesn't want to because they are such good friends. I always think that one day, he will probably flip out and strangle her or something.


dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
Feminist culture teaches these men to be wimps. The sad part is when all these guys go to other countries and instead of conquering poon, they just start spending on gifts again.

Pretty soon women universally will friendzone nonstop.

like "roses"? :lupe:

its not even playing a game, its called making lemonade my nikka. Make the best out of any situation. I wanted to smash this chick years back got that friend zone, so I just put her on the back burner and kept in touch. Year later Im fukking her on her roommate couch. Meanwhile some lame spent like 300 bucks on her for a night out in NY and all I did was buy sonics :manny:

Pretty much put myself in the position of the man that was invited over, bought some food and fukked instead of the man that was trying to win her heart with gifts and shyt, hoping to get that wyd text:smugbiden:
there is something to be said for the long game, but it can be a lot of work for some p*ssy for the untested. you gotta have a real cold heart and be a great multitasker to get this done. it's not for everyone
there is no such thing as platonic friendship between a male and a female.

but but i have a good female friend reincar shes like my sister.......
if she was drunk and wanted to smash you wouldnt be like no we can't it will ruin our friendship.

hell if she was sober and just broke up with her bf and called you offer and started kissing your neck and rubbing your dikk you wouldnt be like no we shouldn't do this.


i'm real cool with my good friend's sister, in fact just as cool with her as i am with him. she's bad too, but i wouldn't smash...

..cause my boy is diesel and would gimme that work :sadbron: