Gomorra - The Series

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Found the first episode on reddit, decent subs.

We have new players in town. At first glance they seem to be based on the Nuvolettas of Marano.


Dec 4, 2014
Torrents? Are the subtitles embedded into it already? Or do you have to sync them yourself?

How do I sync the subs?

Feel free to PM me too bc I’m fiendin’
I belong to a private t site, so I cant link. But if you do find them on torrent - You can add subs.

I use the VLC player to do this, but Im sure you can do it on others. You just have to match the correct sub file to the torrent.

Right now the two torrent groups that are putting up the show are Prometheus and NovaRip. Just make sure you DL matching file and subs.

You can open both in VLC and match the subs. LMk if you have any more questions.

No Ma’am

Bang, Bang, Bang
Aug 3, 2013
May 9, 2012
First 2 episodes were dope af! Also, an Italian website confirmed S5 will be happening too, so I'm expecting more character introductions in S4...since they've done killed off pretty much everyone else. I hoping Genny makes it through to the end b/c IMO the show won't be the same without some ties back to the Savestanos/first 2 seasons....I guess they'll have Patrizia

Show is making a run for top 2 just behind Sopranos. It's been a while since I've done a Wire rewatch but right now I'm saying this is a better show than The Wire. The cinematography, music, and storylines are superb. The realism of the criminality portrayed is unmatched in any show or movie that I've seen, and the pacing might be the best of any series of all time...there's rarely if ever a lull in any episode.

Episode 2 where Genny is realizing that on his current enterprise trajectory, he is trapping his wife and young son into the same place that his father trapped his wife and Genny into...trapped by their last name being Savestano. So, Genny starts making those power moves...the contrast and irony of Genny requiring everything to be done 100% legal really shows how these (successful) Mafia groups truly operate...about 80% legal business funded by the 20% of illegal enterprise
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May 18, 2012
First 2 episodes were dope af! Also, an Italian website confirmed S5 will be happening to, so I'm expecting more character introductions in S4...since they've done killed off pretty much everyone else. I hoping Genny makes it through to the end b/c IMO the show won't be the same without some ties back to the Savestanos/first 2 seasons....I guess they'll have Patrizia

Show is making a run for top 2 just behind Sopranos. It's been a while since I've done a Wire rewatch but right now I'm saying this is a better show than The Wire. The cinematography, music, and storylines are superb. The realism of the criminality portrayed is unmatched in any show or movie that I've seen, and the pacing might be the best of any series of all time...there's rarely if ever a lull in any episode.

Episode 2 where Genny is realizing that on his current enterprise trajectory, he is trapping his wife and young son into the same place that his father trapped his wife and Genny into, so Genny starts making those power moves...the contrast and irony of Genny requiring everything to be done 100% legal really shows how these (successful) Mafia groups truly operate...about 80% legal business funded by the 20% of illegal enterprise

I hope Genny makes it too. It's only two episodes in the season but he's gaining the charm that I thought the show would lose with
Ciro's death.

I did not expect him to give up the Secondigliano like that. :wow:

If what you read was true, season 4 must be piff enough for them to go back on how they said this could be the final season :leon:
May 9, 2012
I hope Genny makes it too. It's only two episodes in the season but he's gaining the charm that I thought the show would lose with
Ciro's death.

I did not expect him to give up the Secondigliano like that. :wow:

If what you read was true, season 4 must be piff enough for them to go back on how they said this could be the final season :leon:

I hated Genny's character prior to his Honduras transformation...now he's one of my favs besides my all-time favorite habitual line-stepper Ciro di Marzio...'the earthquake is God's will...it's good for the ground' is one of my favorite scenes of the the entire show....loaded with meaning and interpretation. I take it as basically when something bad happens to shake up those in control it's an opportunity for those at the bottom to come up...not to mention the earthquake in 1980's IRL is what helped propel The Camorra into legit gov't contracts to rebuild the city.

I was under the impression that he's more of less placing Patrizia as his figurehead in Secondigliano...he's tired of wars and doesn't want to keep his family in that shyt hole in the line of fire...he trust her enough to run it and he will collect his share and she gets the keep the rest with a lot of autonomy as long as they're buying from Genny there should be no problem. I can see Patrizia dealing w/ ppl not respecting her b/c she's a woman (the Levante Don even mentioned she should stay in her place as a woman) and requiring Genny to return to consolidate power and order...somehow Genny will end up getting sucked back into Scampia/Secondigliano...it's just his cursed destiny. I can also foresee some sort of affair happening with that ambitious hustler girl that was educated in London to work on their airport project. Her and Genny shared a couple extended stares and I can see her getting into the mix and fukking up Genny's family life