This Chin guinea muthafukka has to go.

One of them should have at least punched him in the face on GP when he rolled through their spot talking shyt. His other dude who reminds me of the son in Narcos season 3 needs to get murked too.
Add Chin's daughter to the list. Her dumbass boyfriend's mother already told her to fukk off and yet she's still hanging around like a bad smell that won't go away, putting his life in jeopardy. You know what's gonna happen too...he's gonna end up getting killed while she just gets a few slaps and ends up skipping away like Alice in Wonderland like white women always do. He had a moment of clarity at one point, but still can't seem to get the message that obviously their "relationship" is a terrible idea.
I'm not a fan of hip hop or any other modern music in period pieces though. When I'm watching something based in the past, I like to feel as if I'm in that era. Hearing hip hop throughout kinda detracts from that, it's like being reminded that everyone on the set has a smartphone in their pockets and updating their social media in between takes.
Great show, better than that joke called Power.