This game hits different so many jewels being dropped
I’ll be vague so I won’t spoil anything, the experience and growth so far from Kratos to his Son even one of the Dwarves is great writing and storytelling.
I’m not finished but if things keep going the way they are easy goty
Everybody's got a story. Secondary characters are given snippets here and there throughout to flesh them out as people with their own motivations and fears. Villains aren't some mustache-twirling, one-note people who you forget 10 seconds later. The architecture isn't wasted, there's a reason for the ruins, the statuary all has a purpose and reason for being there. Even animals and mythical creatures you encounter have lore behind them. And it's all woven seamlessly into the larger narrative. The depth to the entire thing is impressive.
A masterclass in storytelling being done here.