GMB brehs, Are you cool with dying alone?


All Star
Jan 8, 2015
U guys are so reckless with ur thoughts. Ever thought of the burden u would be putting on ur kids to have to worry about u in ur old age? U dimwits. Even till ur last breath u think selfishly. U wanna die around people who love you yet conveniently forget to consider the trauma u might cause them from watching u die. U guys are evil as fucck.
Facts. I think having kids is selfish in general, but planning on (guilt tripping and) having your own children waste their youth and destroy themselves mentally to pointlessly carry you through old age is straight evil


Mar 3, 2015
I know GMB, running through women etc is cool and fun when you're in your 20s, 30s, even 40s. But what if you continue on that trajectory into your 50s and beyond? Are you cool with going through a serious illness by yourself? Potentially even facing death by yourself? With no kids. No wife to take care of you.

Imagine having to fight doctors etc to get the right treatment while undergoing an illness with nobody in your corner. Friends probably won't have time. Most of your family might have already passed away at that point :francis:

Imagine spending your last days in a nursing home surrounded by strangers :picard:

Stressed out cacs giving you the bare minimum service. Damn.

Contrast that with having a bunch of solid kids that you raised, taking care of you. Helping you out in your moment of need because they love you.
End of the day, yoy will die alone aint no bunkbeds in caskets:unimpressed:

Also we don’t know when unless you off yourself

Duke Wy Lin

It's been a good run. Wish y'all the best ✊🏿
May 24, 2022
The modern marriage Is done breh..

What baffles me is nikkas will pull out stats if a nba player takes a mid range shot, but will go against those same stats when it comes to something they don't agree with🪦

The fukking baby boomers are checking out of marriage😂😂...let that sink in..🙃

More and more boomers are gonna die with a woman who wasn't their wife and some replacement who was just there at the time..

That's not how stats work breh. If 50% of marriages end in divorce it does not mean that everyone has a 50% chance of getting divorced. Most ppl don't understand statistics and that includes journalists, pundits etc..

There are too many factors to consider before anyone can even attempt to calculate what your or my odds of success are. Many of those factors are in your control to an extent. Of course there is risk involved, but that's with anything in life.

Duke Wy Lin

It's been a good run. Wish y'all the best ✊🏿
May 24, 2022
It seems many people never had a coming to the lord meeting in here
There are absolutely no guarantees in life and this is coming from a married man x2
You could find your life partner tomorrow and he or she could be taken from you in an instant
There is no guarantee that your child(ren) will take care of you even if you were the greatest parent in the world
So this argument and concept of dying alone is just that
We all are going to die alone unless you go out in a tragedy
When people ask this question it seems you’ve never really been in your lonely
And when I say that yucky dark, void of solitude
Where everybody you loved turned their back on you
Where people got their own problems to sort out
Where you are facing your own mortality with no comfort and pure reality of not being in existence tomorrow
That type of real raw emotion
Is when you truly understand that all of this is a sham/house built on sand
The only thing in this life you can do is enjoy it for what it is
Cherish the moments no matter how high they are/how low they are
Take care of the people you love the most and understand we all lose our way
Make peace with that
Humans are creatures of habit and comfort
This question shows that
It’s like the old adage of doing everything right in life to get to this all happy place of Heaven
Nothing will ever go as you planned
People FEAR being that old muthafukka that’s found alone with the question of
Man nobody cared about this person
What you should FEAR is a bunch of muthafukkas at your funeral showing fake love
Happiness and peace comes in all different forms to people and not every path will bear fruit
Again I love my wife, love my ex, love my daughter but deep down I could never be mad if they left or chose to live their lives over taking care of me
I’m at peace with death and how the world works
Sooner some of y’all learn this

There are no guarantees in life either good or bad. But you seem to be suggesting that the odds of things turning bad are higher than the opposite. There's literally no rational explanation for why that would be the default state of life.

Also, we can positively impact our lives just as well as we can ruin our own lives by our choices.

There seems to be a a lot of pessimism disguised as realism in this thread.

dr. pill biden

All Star
Jun 6, 2012
the best part of marriage doesn’t come until you’re old and your kids are grown and maybe even your grandkids too

nikkaz can’t think long term and are attached to their youth. but life is long and when you’re 65+ and nearing the end one person’s companionship is way more valuable. plus old women absolutely do care physically for their aging husbands, and so do old men for their wives. you ain’t never seen grandpa combing his wife’s hair every morning bc she’s in a wheelchair? that shyt is SWEET and that type of love is a fruit of a whole lifetime together.

for whatever issues my folks had while they were in the fog of war that is raising kids, the older they get the sweeter and more devoted to each other they get. they be old and goofy and happy like little kids together & whenever one of them goes first i’ll be happy to move them in with me and oversee their end of days. shyt i be telling em come move out with me now!! it might be a burden but “he aint heavy he’s my brother”

nikkaz without a healthy family structure just don’t get it…..


May 2, 2012
I fell of my bike recently fukked both of my wrist up…this girl came over wrapped both of my hands up and took me to the grocery store, cooked for me and iced my wrist up for the next couple days til I got better…

I’m glad I knew her because it would’ve been hard as fukk for me without that support the next couple days