GoldenAgeGamer82 - PSN ID
This thread should be about living in a low income area vs high income area. Blacks and Whites/Others can live in either area. Living in a high income area doesn't eliminate 100% of the dangers that occur in low income areas, however, you and your family would be less susceptible to those dangers. Living in HIA's isn't the golden ticket to upward mobility, but it's a good start. People from LIA's can make it as well if they maintain their focus and not get caught up in the traps that are associated with living in LIA's. A lot of what I'm saying should be common sense, but I'll state what I'm going to say anyways..... If you don't have to live in a LIA, then by all means, don't do it. If not for yourself, then for your children because children are impressionable. After a certain age, it's hard to change the negative social programming that can occur, and if they get behind in their education, then it's over.
I represent the average American that came from a middle class home... My dad worked, my mom was a housewife and my sister and I went to public schools. My neighborhood was a mixture of everything(retirees, working middle class and low income families). We(the neighborhood and city I grew up in) had decent schools and was provided the resources to make something of ourselves. The results were a mixed bag, but typical of what is going on in Black America.
I represent the average American that came from a middle class home... My dad worked, my mom was a housewife and my sister and I went to public schools. My neighborhood was a mixture of everything(retirees, working middle class and low income families). We(the neighborhood and city I grew up in) had decent schools and was provided the resources to make something of ourselves. The results were a mixed bag, but typical of what is going on in Black America.