Yeah that's pretty much the problem
I also don't really like his style though cause I was always more impressed with speed, dynamism and ring IQ than about power and GOlovkin only has the latter from these, he is too mechanic and methodical for my taste.
I'm rather an exception though and I doN't hate his style. I actually understand why it is so popular and I also understand why the whole persona is popular.
1. People like KO artists/ferocious offense fighters
2. People like "people's champion" good guys and Golovkin (just like Pacquiao did) being sold like that
they especially like when the 2 appears at the same time, they like this strange duality that the guys who are such monsters inside the ring act all nice outside of it. That's also how Pac's persoa was built up.
Problem is that the dikk riding went way over the top.
You don't see boxing writers and some casuals stan fighters with easily better resumes than Golovkin the way they stan GGG.
I guess this is always the case with these "people's champion", Pac fanbase was also unbearable, and a partof them now (after May 2nd) turned into Golovkin fans. I Pac's case however at least nobody could deny that he has a resume to back up the big hype.
A large portion of his fans and plenty of media workers who dikkride Golovkin just give him a pass from ANYTHING. Other fighters are constantly shytted on and criticized for every little things but Golovkin can never be blamed...
Nothing is his fault but the opponents' who duck him, the promoters', the circumstances, etc...
Danny Garcia (28) : widely criticized fighter, has names on his resume like Matthysse, Peterson or Khan
Mayweather (39) : widely criticized fighter, has names on his resume like Pac, Canelo, Maidana, Mosley, Cotto, DLH... (I doN't have to go further)
Broner (27): widely criticized fighter, has names on his resume like Maidana and Porter
Ward (32) : gets many critics, has names on his resume like Froch, Kessler, Bika, Abraham, Dawson
Canelo (26) : everybody is at him right now, has names on his resume like May, Lara, Trout, Cotto
Golovkin (34): gets all the love in the world by the media, has names on his resume like Murray, Monroe or Geale
See the double standards? I don't even say that some of those fighters don't deserve criticism. Hell... I criticize Broner and Danny pretty much but the problem is when people give constant shyt to all these fighters from different reasons but give no criticism at all for a supposed P4P great who is 34 years old with a resume which not all that impressive.
His best win is probably Monroe or Murray but they still like to rate him in P4P top 5... How's that?

Do we deal P4P places now based on someone is supposedly being ducked?
Also now the same people who slandered Canelo for the Khan fight (rightfully) now giving a pass to Golovkin for fighting Brook and call the skeptical people "haters" or "detractors".
@OC's finest