This is the realist shyt posted in this entire thread. I'm not a hater of women or apart of the HOH movement. I Iove women and I loved my wife. But I have more love and self respect for MYSELF than I will any other human being (besides my future children) and that's exactly how it should be. You NEVER allow another human being to disrespect you so utterly and then reap any type of benefit once you find success. It would a deservice to me as a MAN, an individual, and a person to stay in a union where my partner thought so little of me and my aspirations. All of you "men" in this thread
for disrespectful and unsupportive women, with every excuse imaginable are ridiculous. Now it's ok for me to be "put in my place"
Get the ENTIRE fukk outta here with that emasculated mindset. I NEVER went into any conversation with her with the mindset putting her in "place". And ANY woman with that disrespectful mentality is going to find her place swiftly in the BUSHES
Again like I said. All of us are simply posters on a message board. Agree with the decision or not, we will never meet face to face or influence each other's lives. All the ignorant, disrespectful, clowning posts are simple the opinions of others...
But a WIFE to have the mindset of a Coli poster?
That her husband within seven years will be an unsuccessful loser who wallows in mediocrity? Will NEVER be accepted, brushed off or forgiven. fukk that. I'd rather be alone than with that caliber of woman