keeping dogs as pets is for cacs, down in the west indies dogs are just guard dogs, or skinny little fellas that just roam the countryside and sleep in the middle of the road
I ain't about that life...not like I can look at a pit and tell if he's well-trained or not.
Uh the issue is the owner, not the dogs bruh. This fukking bum got 8 pits who were obviously bred poorly and raised like shyt in horrible conditions. I have a pit who was trained and treated properly and he wouldn't hurt a fly unless he was protecting us. He's even cool with my neighbor's cat.
keeping dogs as kids is for cacs, down in the west indies dogs are just guard dogs, or skinny little fellas that just roam the countryside and sleep in the middle of the road
I ain't about that life...not like I can look at a pit and tell if he's well-trained or not.
word i grew up in the hood
im always inmode when im around a pit....
Growing up in the 80s...Dobermans were the dog of choice...90s...Rottweilers...2000s "Pit Bulls"
Many dogs that are said to be "pit bulls" are not. A "pit bull" is not really a breed but is a class of dogs that are bulldog + terrier mixes. This can include American Pit Bull Terriers, Staffs, AmStaffs, American Bulldog, and English Bull Terriers in some instances. The average person cannot pick an APBT out of a line up.
These news outlet call any dog that they do not know the breed a pit bull. I remember seeing a story about a pit bull biting someone only to find out the dog was a boxer
I owned an American Pit Bull Terrier for many many years. Got him from one of the top breeders in the world for APBT, Mrs. Castillo herself from the Castillo bloodline. She has produced dozens of litters, many champions and not one dog has attacked a human. She screens all her buyers to maintain the integrity of the breed. My dog was around small children all the time. Loved being around kids and adults but was aggressive towards other dogs and other animals unless properly introduced just like REAL APBT is supposed to be.
"Pit bulls" were never bred to be human aggressive until idiots in the last decade and half started breed these traits into some in their backyard trying to make a quick buck. They think abusing the dog makes them better fighter, but it doesn't. They are not real Dogmen. Pit bulls are also not great guard dogs although they will protect their owners in dire situations. The bulldog and the terrier do not exhibit proper guard dog instincts. The terrier instincts is what give the dog an edge against other animals. "Shepard", Mossoler or working dogs are more territorial to other humans and are generally aggressive towards strangers.
Its just that a person that buys a German Shepherd, Cane Corso or Rottweiler is more likely to be well off, take their dogs to obedience training and not abuse their dog unlike some generally poor, irresponsible owners who can by a pit bull for $150 from a shady backyard breeder.
American Pit Bull Terriers have been around for over 100 years and did not start getting a bad rap until the 15-20 years. They need to do it implement restrictions that prevent shady people from owning the dogs and making all people that sell them have to register with the state as an official kennel that must be reviewed often. Make all owners of certain breeds take a responsible owner class to own the dog. Charge some money and make the person renew every year just like a vehicle registration.
I ain't about that life...not like I can look at a pit and tell if he's well-trained or not.