The ATL metro seem to have some of the most incompetent medical personnel you've ever seen. It seems more and more of the Black doctors are either undercover gay, or unprofessional, or they hire gay or unprofessional assistant(s). Just about all the White medical staff are racist, and half of the foreign medical personnel have a prejudice mind set, even the Black foreigners.
After years of trying Black male doctors and dentists, I was just about to start trying Black female doctors, until I read that what happened to this poor child was done by a Black female doctor. Speaking of Black female doctors, there's a lot more of them, Black female dentists as well, than their Black counter parts, unfortunately. The reason I never tried a Black female medical professional, is because I was afraid some of them would get too personnel, something Black professions (males and females) tend to do when it comes to their Black patients. It's bad enough with the White medical staff down here, especially when they find out you don't have to work, and they do. And when Black female medical assistant find out you retired early, a lot of them get into wondering why you're not married, then blame you for not helping a sister out
. Anyway, I'd sure hate to have a sister with that mindset be my doctor, or my she can jack up my gums.
I had several appointments at the very same medical center in Riverdale where this tragedy happened. I was beginning to find too many of the medical staff on the unprofessional side, and I haven't been back in over 10 years. So what happened there to this child doesn't surprise me, although I never thought it would get this bad. I can't even rap my mind around it. But it does surprise me that this was done by a Black female doctor, a very attractive one at that. It looks like she would have practiced more caution than the average doctor. But you just can't tell by looking at someone. It appears she was trying to save money, instead of doing the c-section at the appropriate time. That's real messed up.