Georgia 6th Congressional District Special Election - (Handel WINS 52%-48% over Ossoff)


May 2, 2012
breh, im not sure what part of im not willing to discuss a campaign thats over with you any further that you are not getting.

whats your opinion on the bullshyt Cheeto and Granny starver ryan and scumbag Mcconnell are up to right now?
how do you feel about 85% of the people currently insured in this country getting ready to get fukked?
[medicaid/ medicare population plus employer provided insured]
what talent in the Democratic party do you like right now?
who or why are you voting in your next local elections?
I think all that shyt is terrible, I'm asking you how you think splitting the party in half is gonna help reverse all that?

I'm a registered independent, you don't think I should have a say so in any of that other shyt even though our views are probably similar, why is that?

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
@wickedsm here is my rationale, sorry for the delay.

ooooh the Bernie Bro is soooo angry :lupe:

Bernie has been ranting for the last 6 months of how fukking bad we should feel for WWC-
mention people of color BLACK people, brown people, lgbt folks and bernie says
"thats playing identity politics" but we should all continue to fukking cry cry cry and wait in the back of the bus
because white peoples feelings are hurt.
fukk yall millenials and fukk the WWC too fukk Bernie especially.

if Nancy is an old bytch
Bernie is an old bytch right along with her.

Bernie talked real nice and smooth in the election
what has he accomplished in the congress and the senate?
approximatly nothing. renamed some post offices
and took shyt loads of NRA money.

hes not a Dem, only registered as a dem to use the dem infastructure
then quickly reregistered as an independent after the election
now spends every day bashing the Dem party.
Create your own party bernie bros and you can have whoever the fukk
you want as your party leader.

The neg was because of how the post was framed and the poor politics underlying it. Bernie has not been out there caping for white workers as a specific subset of the working class saying that their needs are separate and apart from the class as a whole, or that their experiences should be given credence over other workers. He's not saying they are the most oppressed people in the country. Bernie has not, and does not, have a kneejerk reaction to any mention of Afrikans, other ethnic minorities, or sexual minorities as "identity politics" -- on the contrary, during the campaign, he called killer cops "terrorists" and said that our communities are occupied by them. What other mainstream candidate has used truthful language like that? He's been very vocal about not scapegoating immigrants and has supported LGBTQ rights.

What Bernie has said, in the aftermath of the election -- when elements of the white working class in a handful of states swung the election to Trump instead of Hillary -- is that those elements of the white working class have been ignored by Democrats and Democrats no longer even have their ear. A week after the election, he said something along the lines of, "It deeply pains me that the Democratic Party cannot speak to the people from where I come from." I agree that those cacs are suffering and I'd rather engage them as part of rebuilding the labor movement in the U.S. as opposed to just giving them up to Republicans or further right (fascist) elements. I mean, if you're talking Black nationalist politics outside the confines of electoral politics, I can fukk with the "fukk those cacs" sentiment, but if you're not talking about separatism, the best way to fight racism is by building a cross-racial labor movement.

For obvious reasons I reject your slander against millennials.

Bernie isn't a Dem, and for good reason, why would you proudly associate with a party founded by slaveholders and which has, since the 1970s, presided over the bipartisan weakening of the working class?

I actually agree that progressives and workers need an independent party outside of the Democrats, but the United States isn't a democratic system and the laws on the books are highly restrictive for third-parties. So, as a practical matter -- if you want Bernie supporters out of the party -- good luck winning any elections moving forward and pulling the large chunk of people who currently don't vote into the political process (they largely don't vote because they know the system as it is, is a sham).


Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
@wickedsm here is my rationale, sorry for the delay.

The neg was because of how the post was framed and the poor politics underlying it. Bernie has not been out there caping for white workers as a specific subset of the working class saying that their needs are separate and apart from the class as a whole, or that their experiences should be given credence over other workers. He's not saying they are the most oppressed people in the country. Bernie has not, and does not, have a kneejerk reaction to any mention of Afrikans, other ethnic minorities, or sexual minorities as "identity politics" -- on the contrary, during the campaign, he called killer cops "terrorists" and said that our communities are occupied by them. What other mainstream candidate has used truthful language like that? He's been very vocal about not scapegoating immigrants and has supported LGBTQ rights.

What Bernie has said, in the aftermath of the election -- when elements of the white working class in a handful of states swung the election to Trump instead of Hillary -- is that those elements of the white working class have been ignored by Democrats and Democrats no longer even have their ear. A week after the election, he said something along the lines of, "It deeply pains me that the Democratic Party cannot speak to the people from where I come from." I agree that those cacs are suffering and I'd rather engage them as part of rebuilding the labor movement in the U.S. as opposed to just giving them up to Republicans or further right (fascist) elements. I mean, if you're talking Black nationalist politics outside the confines of electoral politics, I can fukk with the "fukk those cacs" sentiment, but if you're not talking about separatism, the best way to fight racism is by building a cross-racial labor movement.

For obvious reasons I reject your slander against millennials.

Bernie isn't a Dem, and for good reason, why would you proudly associate with a party founded by slaveholders and which has, since the 1970s, presided over the bipartisan weakening of the working class?

I actually agree that progressives and workers need an independent party outside of the Democrats, but the United States isn't a democratic system and the laws on the books are highly restrictive for third-parties. So, as a practical matter -- if you want Bernie supporters out of the party -- good luck winning any elections moving forward and pulling the large chunk of people who currently don't vote into the political process (they largely don't vote because they know the system as it is, is a sham).


William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
@wickedsm here is my rationale, sorry for the delay.

The neg was because of how the post was framed and the poor politics underlying it. Bernie has not been out there caping for white workers as a specific subset of the working class saying that their needs are separate and apart from the class as a whole, or that their experiences should be given credence over other workers. He's not saying they are the most oppressed people in the country. Bernie has not, and does not, have a kneejerk reaction to any mention of Afrikans, other ethnic minorities, or sexual minorities as "identity politics" -- on the contrary, during the campaign, he called killer cops "terrorists" and said that our communities are occupied by them. What other mainstream candidate has used truthful language like that? He's been very vocal about not scapegoating immigrants and has supported LGBTQ rights.

What Bernie has said, in the aftermath of the election -- when elements of the white working class in a handful of states swung the election to Trump instead of Hillary -- is that those elements of the white working class have been ignored by Democrats and Democrats no longer even have their ear. A week after the election, he said something along the lines of, "It deeply pains me that the Democratic Party cannot speak to the people from where I come from." I agree that those cacs are suffering and I'd rather engage them as part of rebuilding the labor movement in the U.S. as opposed to just giving them up to Republicans or further right (fascist) elements. I mean, if you're talking Black nationalist politics outside the confines of electoral politics, I can fukk with the "fukk those cacs" sentiment, but if you're not talking about separatism, the best way to fight racism is by building a cross-racial labor movement.

For obvious reasons I reject your slander against millennials.

Bernie isn't a Dem, and for good reason, why would you proudly associate with a party founded by slaveholders and which has, since the 1970s, presided over the bipartisan weakening of the working class?

I actually agree that progressives and workers need an independent party outside of the Democrats, but the United States isn't a democratic system and the laws on the books are highly restrictive for third-parties. So, as a practical matter -- if you want Bernie supporters out of the party -- good luck winning any elections moving forward and pulling the large chunk of people who currently don't vote into the political process (they largely don't vote because they know the system as it is, is a sham).

Almost everything you said was true but Bernie made it clear that he's not for reparations for black people. Interestingly enough, he is for reparations for Holocaust survivors and is pro-Israel.

So, in that respect, he's not different from other mainstream politicians.

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
Almost everything you said was true but Bernie made it clear that he's not for reparations for black people. Interestingly enough, he is for reparations for Holocaust survivors and is pro-Israel.

So, in that respect, he's not different from other mainstream politicians.

Obama also opposed reparations for Afrikans so it would be disingenuous to single Bernie out as if it is some great, unique slight on his part against us.

It's a systemic issue. No mainstream politician -- not even a mild reformist like Bernie, much less a much more conservative, status quo politician -- is going to support reparations.

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
Obama also opposed reparations for Afrikans so it would be disingenuous to single Bernie out as if it is some great, unique slight on his part against us.

It's a systemic issue. No mainstream politician -- not even a mild reformist like Bernie, much less a much more conservative, status quo politician -- is going to support reparations.

Obama is a half & half and clearly the condition of black people got worse under his administration. Of course he is against reparations.

And to your greater point, it's perfectly fine if you support and advocate for Bernie. That's your choice. And frankly, he would've been my choice for President between him, Hillary, and Drumpf. But just don't misconstrue dude as a second-coming of MLK when it comes to black issues. That's all. :hubie:

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
Obama is a half & half and clearly the condition of black people got worse under his administration. Of course he is against reparations.

And to your greater point, it's perfectly fine if you support and advocate for Bernie. That's your choice. And frankly, he would've been my choice for President between him, Hillary, and Drumpf. But just don't misconstrue dude as a second-coming of MLK when it comes to black issues. That's all. :hubie:

Plenty of New Afrikans don't even support reparations. Currently there is no large movement pressing for it, just a mishmash of conscious individuals, militants (unlike others on this board, I don't use that term as a slur), and think tanks/grassroots organizations. That needs to change. Furthermore, it is not a concession the system is going to give unless and until we are shutting shyt down regularly for it. It isn't something a politician is just going to grant.

Nowhere in my post did I suggest the bold, so I'm not sure why you're saying that to me :ld:

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
Plenty of New Afrikans don't even support reparations. Currently there is no large movement pressing for it, just a mishmash of conscious individuals, militants (unlike others on this board, I don't use that term as a slur), and think tanks/grassroots organizations. That needs to change. Furthermore, it is not a concession the system is going to give unless and until we are shutting shyt down regularly for it. It isn't something a politician is just going to grant.

Nowhere in my post did I suggest the bold, so I'm not sure why you're saying that to me :ld:

Fair point. New Afrikans are wrong to not make reparations a priority.

My fault for reading too deeply between the lines. I wasn't coming at you like that or anything.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
aged like milk :mjlol:
Could you point out what was wrong with that quote within the context of the time it was made? The Pelosi stuff? At the time, this was true. She only became frightened and weak-willed once they took the house.
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May 16, 2012