An innocent young black man was murdered in cold blood by a vigilante wannabe. A wannabe who shows no real regret for what he did beyond a half hearted apology to the masses and his piece of shyt soft spoken brother waging a PR campaign to convince us that because Zimmerman is a "good person" he should walk because it was all a misunderstanding of some sort.
Allow me to add some "fukk that" to this dish.
An innocent young black man has been murdered because he "looked" like he was a suspicious character even though all that he was carrying was skittles and an arizona iced tea.
And innocent young black men have been murdered in this country for decades for hundreds of years if we wanna be real about it.
But in 2013, with evidence this clear and obvious, there is no reason why we should be debating if George Zimmerman is guilty of a MURDER.
And not just any murder. A murder of an innocent young black man. Who knows what was in this kids future. Yes he took pics of him smoking weed and doing silly shyt that young kids do. Yes he smoked weed. Yes he behaved in a manner that was not pleasing to...certain this country.
But if George Zimmerman spends anything less than 25 years in prison...where the prime of his life will wither to nothing while society and the world passes him by, then this is fukking INJUSTICE.
He does not regret what he did. He regrets that his in this predicament that was completely avoidable if he had left this INNOCENT YOUNG MAN ALONE.
And I can imagine no greater justice for a cold blooded murderer of an innocent young man...a CHILD...than extreme amounts of pain, psychological destruction, and overall degeneration of his spirit .
He took away the life...the years of youth and adulthood...of a child
I hope he gets raped by the most foul HIV dikk in prison. Repeatedly.