This is a minor walking alone in the middle of the night with a grown man following him in his car
THEN GETS OUT! And follows him on foot??? Are you shytting me?
You know what's funny, its not like we do not know his type. He's the lame who lets a little power go to his head. Everyone hates this guy, because he comes off as a clown and is very annoying. Everyone would have had the same reaction seeing this clown following him.
I would have acted very aggressively towards Zimmerman. You already know he acted like he was bad towards Trayvon, that's why the situation got out of control. Now, if we say its okay for these guys to roam the street with a gun on their waist and start something at a McDonalds, the world is going to be a scary place.
The cherry on top is he is not of good character.
On the 911 tape he said Trayvon was in his teens, during his hearing he said he thought Trayvon was his age. He also misled the judge about his finances, even though he had 200k in the bank. Also, the police interview shows someone who is not very sharp and plays games. I really don't see why this guy is being looked at in such a positive light, he is scum through and through.