how do you gain 105 lbs in jail?Something got to be seriously wrong to be able to eat better in jail and than outside
He's not in jail, he's out on bond.
how do you gain 105 lbs in jail?Something got to be seriously wrong to be able to eat better in jail and than outside
That's believable.
The coli: where whiteboys call black dudes c00ns on the internet. Gotta love it.
:timmyumad:@this e-thug cac. You're such a tough guy. Your impotent, feeble, jealous obese Caucasian rage is palpable through the ether. You are an even pussier version of George Zimmerman.
Or what? You'll try to eat me, you slovenly razorback fukkboy?
I never got that connection until now, what was dudes name before demon, I can't even remember. All of his posts on demon typically have a racial thing going on as well
And may I also add you are a trend setter?
In order for George Zimmerman to be acquitted of murder charges, the defendant must show that he was in a fight for his life when he fired a fatal shot into Martins chest. This means Zimmerman must prove that Trayvon Martin caused his injuries in order to demonstrate that he fired in self defense, but as the Daily Kos points out, the DNA tests in the case do not support Zimmermans story.
Firstly, the DNA tests do not show any of George Zimmermans skin under Trayvon Martins fingernails:
Exhibit ME2: Fingernail scrapings represented as being from Trayvon Benjamin Martin
gave chemical indications for the presence of blood
ME 2A Right hand: No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Benjamin Martin (ME-3) were
found on Exhibit ME-2A
ME 2B Left hand: No DNA results were obtained from Exhibit ME-2B
But how could Trayvon Martin grab Zimmermans bald head and bash it into the ground without getting skin under his nails? And, as The Washington Posts Jonathan Capehart reported in September of 2012, none of Zimmermans DNA was found on the cuffs/sleeves of Martins hoodie, causing Kendall Coffey, former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida to conclude, Unless Trayvon Martin was wearing gloves and a bonnet, it would normally be expected that there would be some evidence of him on the garment.
The Jury will see that the Autopsy report shows Trayvon had a 1/4″ x 1/8″ small abrasion on the left fourth finger. The Jury will also see that the Autopsy does not mention any: blood, dirt, defensive wounds or offensive wounds on Trayvon Martins knuckles, palms, wrists, fingers or thumbs which dispels Zimmermans claim that Trayvon punched him in the nose 25-30 times, covered his nose and mouth while at the same slamming his head into the sidewalk over a dozen times.
Jurors will also see pictures of Zimmermans hands after he fatally shot Trayvon Martin, showing absolutely no abrasions or defensive wounds. A man who had been in the fight of his life wouldnt have clean hands
In addition, even though Zimmerman said hed been pinned down by Trayvon, there was no mud or grass on his back.
Zimmerman also admitted holding Trayvon Martin face down in the mud at one point, a story supported by the mud and dirt on Trayvons clothes:
I was on top of him, straddling him, he was face down, when he kept hitting me in the face it felt like something was in his hands, so I thought he had a weapon, so I grabbed his hands and pushed them away from his body, and I said, STOP! Dont move. He was saying something like ahhhh ahhhhh and cursing and I said, STOP, dont move and then somebody came and had a flashlight and I thought was a cop and I said oh and I still had my gun in my hand as I was holding his hands apart and I said are you a cop he said no but Ill call them. I said, I dont need you to do that I need you to help me restrain this guy.
In addition, even though Zimmerman said he’d been pinned down by Trayvon, there was no mud or grass on his back. can you confront someone with a gun in your waist, and it comes down to who threw the first punch in a court of law? Trayvon was minding his own business and is the victim of cold blooded murder.
Are you debating with me, or just refering to the article?
The damaging police interviews, the 911 call that shows he was the aggressor, and this forensic evidence & Zimmerman's lawyer is still arguing it comes down to if a teenage threw the first punch. How can O'Mara look at himself in the mirror knowing an innocent kid was minding his own business and was killed for nothing. By the way, some witnesses said they saw someone with a red jacket on top of someone, Zimmerman had on a red jacket. I really believe he shot the kid when he was on top.
Just ask a mod to do an ip check, and while your waiting for the results, you can jerk off to some cac obama speeches, you uber liberal homo loving dothead brown lipped sad puppy looking ecko skull shirt wearing queer fakkit![]()
I told you to smarten up, with your punchable ass face.