George Santos, NY Congressman from Queens and Nassau County, has been expelled for being a total fraud.


Nov 1, 2015

ā€˜We donā€™t know his real nameā€™: George Santosā€™s unravelling web of lies​

George Santos in Washington DC on 12 January.

George Santos in Washington DC on 12 January. Photograph: Will Oliver/EPA
ā€˜Nobody even knows who this guy is,ā€™ critics say, but he was still awarded with House panel assignments ā€“ showing the party ā€˜stands for nothingā€™

David Smith in Washington
Sun 22 Jan 2023 07.00 GMT

ā€œHe didnā€™t just steal from a service dog. He didnā€™t just steal from a dying service dog. He stole from a disabled homeless veteranā€™s dying service dog. Oh my God. You evil and stupid!ā€
That was how Leslie Jones, guest host of Comedy Centralā€™s The Daily Show, summed up just one of this weekā€™s revelations about George Santos, a US congressman whose shameless fabulism has stunned Washington, a capital that thought it had smelt every flavour of mendacity from politicians.

ā€œWhat does this man have to do get thrown out of Congress?ā€ Jones asked, echoing the thoughts of many. ā€œHeā€™s a fukking liar.ā€

Yet the answer is that, far from being expelled from the House of Representatives, Santos, 34, was rewarded with assignments on two of its committees. The vote of confidence appeared to be an expedient calculation by the House speaker, Kevin McCarthy, aware Republicans have such a slim majority that even losing one seat would make it much harder to pass legislation.

But it was also a decision, critics said, that showed the party of Abraham Lincoln and Dwight Eisenhower has lost its moral compass. Stuart Stevens, a political consultant and author of It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump, said: ā€œSantos is a perfect example of the collapse of the Republican party.

ā€œIt shows that the party stands for nothing. It seems like a million years ago but there was a time when we said character was destiny. Nobody even knows who this guy is. We literally donā€™t know his real name.ā€

Indeed, as recently as four years ago, Santos was introducing himself publicly as ā€œAnthony Devolderā€ ā€“ a combination of his middle name and his motherā€™s maiden name. It is just one strand in a web of deceit that makes the protagonists of Catch Me If You Can, The Talented Mr Ripley and Pinocchio look as honest as the day is long.

That web went mostly unnoticed during Santosā€™s election campaign in New York last year but has unravelled with dizzying speed in the past few weeks, forcing him to run a daily gauntlet of reporters on Capitol Hill and to admit lying about his family heritage, college education and job experience.

For instance, Santos made the false and offensive claim that his maternal grandparents escaped from the Holocaust. In fact, they were born in Brazil, and he has now been forced to acknowledge that he was raised Catholic.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Santos at the US Capitol on 5 January.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Santos at the US Capitol on 5 January. Photograph: Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters

But when Santos was caught falsely claiming to be Jewish, he told the conservative Fox News network that he was not actually lying because he had merely referred to himself as ā€œJew-ishā€ ā€“ presumably unaware that he was borrowing an old joke from the British polymath Jonathan Miller, who once declared: ā€œIā€™m not really a Jew; just Jew-ish.ā€

Santos wrote on Twitter that his mother was killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on New York but subsequently said she died on 23 December 2016. A review of his motherā€™s employment record found no evidence of her ever working at or near the World Trade Center, while her immigration history suggests that she was not even on American soil on 9/11.

Last October, Santos told the USA Today newspaper: ā€œI am openly gay, have never had an issue with my sexual identity in the past decade, and I can tell you and assure you, I will always be an advocate for LGBTQ+ folks.ā€ It subsequently emerged that he had been married to a woman, whom he divorced in 2019.

Santos claimed to have briefly attended Horace Mann, an elite private preparatory school in New York, but the school has no record of him. He said he has academic degrees from New York University and New Yorkā€™s Baruch College and was even a star player on the Baruch volleyball team ā€“ again, there is no record of him having studied at either institution or playing volleyball.

Santos also said he had worked for the top Wall Street firms Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, but neither company could find any records verifying this. In an interview with the New York Post newspaper, Santos said: ā€œMy sins here are embellishing my rĆ©sumĆ©. Iā€™m sorry.ā€

Santos portrayed himself as a successful property investor whose family owned several buildings. But court records indicate that Santos was the subject of three eviction proceedings in Queens, New York, between 2014 and 2017 because of unpaid rent.

In 2020 Santos was hired by Harbor City Capitol Corp, an investment firm based in Florida. The company ceased operating in 2021 after it was accused by the Securities and Exchange Commission of being a multimillion-dollar Ponzi scheme.

The scandals keep coming. On Wednesday Santos was accused of taking $3,000 from an online fundraiser intended to help save the life of a sick dog owned by Richard Osthoff, a disabled military veteran. Santos called ā€œreports that I would let a dog die ā€¦ shocking and insaneā€ ā€“ but did not directly deny them.

George Santos speaks at the Republican Jewish Coalitionā€™s annual leadership meeting in Las Vegas in November 2022.

George Santos speaks at the Republican Jewish Coalitionā€™s annual leadership meeting in Las Vegas in November 2022. Photograph: Wade Vandervort/AFP/Getty Images

On Thursday old acquaintances of Santos said he had competed as a drag queen in Brazilian beauty pageants 15 years ago, opening him to charges of hypocrisy: he has endorsed Floridaā€™s hardline ā€œdonā€™t say gayā€ bill and aligned himself with far-right Republicans hostile to transgender rights. Again he issued an angry denial, saying the media ā€œcontinues to make outrageous claims about my lifeā€.

And on top of everything, law enforcement authorities in Brazil have said they intend to reinstate fraud charges against Santos relating to a case involving a stolen chequebook in 2008. Eric Swalwell, a Democratic congressman from California, has branded him ā€œa wanted international criminalā€.

Even seasoned observers are aghast at the outlandishness. Monika McDermott, a political science professor at Fordham University in New York, said: ā€œThis goes beyond anything I believe Iā€™ve ever seen. We see a fair share of dissembling or chest beating in various ways but to outright lie about your rĆ©sumĆ© and continue to do so even once caught in such lies really takes a certain amount of courage ā€“ letā€™s call it that.ā€

Democrats have asked the House ethics committee to investigate Santos. State and local Republican leaders in New York have called on him to resign after lying to the voters who elected him. But the congressman has dug in his heels and refused.

McCarthy and Republican leaders in Washington have said they will handle the situation internally. But they know the political stakes. They hold just a 10-seat majority and know that Santos represents a district that could flip to Democrats in a special election.

McDermott added: ā€œItā€™s all in the numbers. I donā€™t see how they can do anything about this without risking their slim majority in the House and so theyā€™re going to have to stand behind him as much as they can. At this point theyā€™re unlikely to do anything about it.ā€

People protest against George Santos in Queens, New York, on 7 January.

People protest against George Santos in Queens, New York, on 7 January. Photograph: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

Notably, while some congressional Republicans have given Santos the cold shoulder, he appears to have found comfort with the House Freedom Caucus and extremist Maga (Make America Great Again) wing.

Zac Petkanas, senior adviser to the House Accountability War Room, a rapid-response watchdog, said: ā€œPeople are rightly focusing on the lies heā€™s told about his rĆ©sumĆ©, where he got his money from, where he went to school and all of that but heā€™s also someone who participated in the January 6 rally.

ā€œHeā€™s not just a random member of Congress; heā€™s in the Maga contingent that has taken control. Heā€™s in the Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert cabal. The lies, the conspiracy theories, the encouragement of political violence is part of the brand of this breed of politicians that is wielding such influence over the new Congress.ā€

Some see Santos not as an outlier or unicorn but the natural culmination of the Republican partyā€™s descent over the past decade. Donald Trump, who burst into political prominence with the racist lie that Barack Obama was born outside the US, made more than 30,000 false or misleading claims during his presidency, according to the Washington Post.

One of his senior advisers, Kellyanne Conway, infamously coined the phrase ā€œalternative factsā€. Some 147 Republicans voted to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election; McCarthy was among them. And during last yearā€™s midterm elections, Republican candidates such as Herschel Walker were caught in numerous falsehoods.

In this sense Santos represents a difference in degree, not a difference in kind. Kurt Bardella, a Democratic strategist, said: ā€œThere isnā€™t a better living mascot for what the Republican party is turning itself into than George Santos ā€“ one that is completely divorced from truth and reality, one that openly embraces conspiracy theory, one that time and again rejects fact and science.

ā€œWhen you have the standard bearer for your party be someone like Donald Trump, who lies about everything from classified documents to the crowd size of his inauguration and everything in between, itā€™s only a matter of time before people emerge who completely bathe themselves in lies.ā€

Bardella, a former senior adviser for Republicans on the House oversight committee, added: ā€œItā€™s hardly surprising that someone like Santos has emerged and successfully conned his way into elected office and the Republican party leadershipā€™s refusal to do anything or say anything about it only encourages copycats to follow.ā€

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
GOP politicians literally get away with any thing no matter how egregious, but I donā€™t even blame them. How can you get mad at a snake for being a snake, you just cut its head off and wait for it to stop moving. I blame the dumb bytches that vote for them :pacspit:

Its okay,just keep voting aka fighting, this is our fault as democrats. If we just invest billions into country music,we can get them to vote Democrat. No matter how unqualified the candidate,or lack of tangibles . That investment we made into Tone Loc decades ago is still paying dividends. We must do the same thing with country music

Tommy Lee Jones

All Star
Jan 1, 2015
first off it's fukk both sides. but there are plenty of videos and quotes from bidens history where he lied about a ton of similar shyt. it's like you gotta be a compulsive lying psycho to be a politican. you literally have to be good at raising money and lying to people's faces.


Mar 24, 2014

Drag artist says George Santos left Brazil in 2005 and returned in 2008 'with money' to compete and lose in Miss Gay Rio de Janeiro​

Nicole Gaudiano,Virginia Alves
Tue, January 24, 2023 at 10:46 AM CST

George Santos US Capitol

Rep. George Santos leaves the US Capitol on January 12, 2023 in Washington, DC.Win McNamee/Getty Images
  • Embattled Rep. George Santos once wanted to be Miss Gay Rio De Janeiro, a drag artist told Insider.
  • But he lost the pageant in 2008, Eula Rochard said in an interview.
  • Santos now faces scrutiny over multiple fabrications about his past.
Rep. George Santos once wanted to be Miss Gay Rio De Janeiro. But that title wasn't in the cards for his admittedly embellished resume, drag artist Eula Rochard told Insider.

The New York Republican, who has embraced ultra-conservative positions considered anti-LGBTQ, competed in the contest in 2008, said Rochard, who says she knew him in Brazil.

"But he lost," Rochard said in Portuguese. "Because when I say 'beauty pageant,' what do you think? A skinny, tall woman with long hair. Super beautiful. And it's the same for the gay ones."

"The beauty pageant is for boys who dress like women," she continued. "They are beautiful. The boys are beautiful. And he lost because he was fat."
Santos' staff did not respond to a request for comment.

Santos, now facing scrutiny about his multiple fabrications about his past, at first denied that he performed as a drag queen. But he later told reporters, "I was young, and I had fun at a festival. Sue me for having a life." More videos have since emerged, suggesting it was more than a one-off.
Reuters reported that Santos "aspired to be Miss Gay Rio de Janeiro."
Rochard, who made headlines after circulating a photo she says is of Santos in a red dress, said Santos wasn't a professional drag queen. But he would occasionally dress up.

She identified Santos dressed in drag in a video at about the 4:20 mark from the 2005 NiterĆ³i pride parade, where he tells a reporter about clubs where he performed drag shows.

Rochard said that was a lie because, at the time Santos wouldn't have been able to afford such performances.
"When you work with this you spend a lot of money. Anthony wouldn't do this," she said, using an alias for Santos.
Though he bragged about his father being rich, his mother was a maid in Brazil, Rochard said.

"He was a big dreamer," Rochard. "He wanted to get famous no matter what."
Santos left Brazil in 2005 and returned in 2008 "with a lot of money," Rochard said. "He got a bunch of expensive drag outfits made" and competed in the beauty pageant.

"These beauty pageants are very valued here in Brazil," she said. "The gay ones. I don't know how it is in the US but gay people here go crazy for them and order expensive outfits. It's very expensive."

Rochard, who met Santos when he was about 17 years old, said she used to catch Santos in "little white lies."
"He wasn't a bad person," Rochard said. "He was a regular gay teenager in a country where there were no laws protecting gay people."
Rochard said she hasn't seen Santos since 2008. "I don't know what happened in his life," she said. "I'm only telling you what I lived."