George Santos, NY Congressman from Queens and Nassau County, has been expelled for being a total fraud.

Carl Tethers

@mastermind is OVO
May 3, 2012
first off it's fukk both sides. but there are plenty of videos and quotes from bidens history where he lied about a ton of similar shyt. it's like you gotta be a compulsive lying psycho to be a politican. you literally have to be good at raising money and lying to people's faces.

"fukk both sides b-b-but Biden"


Tommy Lee Jones

All Star
Jan 1, 2015
"fukk both sides b-b-but Biden"

What kind of grown man negs other men on a message board? Especially when what I said was true you dumb fukk. Biden is just a big a liar and scum bag as trump, bush, Clinton, etc. you too stoopid to get it. Biden taking money from Russia, china, anyone that will give it him and hunter bunch of hoes.


Apr 30, 2012
there are plenty of videos and quotes from bidens history where he lied about a ton of similar shyt

  1. He's lied about going to college
  2. He's lied about going to prep school
  3. He lied about working at CitiGroup
  4. He lied about working at Goldman Sachs
  5. He lied about founding a charity for saving pets
  6. He lied about being Jewish
  7. He lied about his grandparent's escaping the holocaust.
  8. He lied about his employees dying in the Pulse nightclub shooting
  9. He lied about owning a dozen properties. He doesn't own any.
  10. He lied about his mother being born in Belgium. She was born in Brazil.
  11. He lied about his mother being the first woman exec at a financial institution. She was a maid.
  12. He lied about his mother dying in the 9/11 attacks. She wasn't even in the country.
  13. He lied about his mother dying in December 2016.
  14. He lied about being mugged.
  15. He lied about his name.
  16. He lied about being a drag queen.
  17. He lied about how his campaign was funded.
  18. He lied about being a college volleyball star.

Carl Tethers

@mastermind is OVO
May 3, 2012
What kind of grown man negs other men on a message board? Especially when what I said was true you dumb fukk. Biden is just a big a liar and scum bag as trump, bush, Clinton, etc. you too stoopid to get it. Biden taking money from Russia, china, anyone that will give it him and hunter bunch of hoes.

I neg MAGA fakkits

And what money has Joe Biden taken from Russia, you dumb fukk? Stop wasting Internet

@Billy Ocean another one for the list


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Bill Maher was actually right about this guy

He won because NYers (and Americans in general) spend a lot of time electing people based on Identity Politics and less on actual substance

All Santos proved is that if you check enough boxes, you can get elected in NY regardless of what people in that particular area actually want

A little bit of dark money and a smile is all it takes...


Dec 11, 2015
Bill Maher was actually right about this guy

He won because NYers (and Americans in general) spend a lot of time electing people based on Identity Politics and less on actual substance

All Santos proved is that if you check enough boxes, you can get elected in NY regardless of what people in that particular area actually want

A little bit of dark money and a smile is all it takes...

Real shyt

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015

  1. He's lied about going to college
  2. He's lied about going to prep school
  3. He lied about working at CitiGroup
  4. He lied about working at Goldman Sachs
  5. He lied about founding a charity for saving pets
  6. He lied about being Jewish
  7. He lied about his grandparent's escaping the holocaust.
  8. He lied about his employees dying in the Pulse nightclub shooting
  9. He lied about owning a dozen properties. He doesn't own any.
  10. He lied about his mother being born in Belgium. She was born in Brazil.
  11. He lied about his mother being the first woman exec at a financial institution. She was a maid.
  12. He lied about his mother dying in the 9/11 attacks. She wasn't even in the country.
  13. He lied about his mother dying in December 2016.
  14. He lied about being mugged.
  15. He lied about his name.
  16. He lied about being a drag queen.
  17. He lied about how his campaign was funded.
  18. He lied about being a college volleyball star.
He lied about being an African American.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Bill Maher was actually right about this guy

He won because NYers (and Americans in general) spend a lot of time electing people based on Identity Politics and less on actual substance

All Santos proved is that if you check enough boxes, you can get elected in NY regardless of what people in that particular area actually want

A little bit of dark money and a smile is all it takes...
Bill Maher is an idiot. Both Santos and Zimmerman were openly gay candidates. The people in that area got what they wanted in a representative who would preserve their way of life.

I think this article does a pretty good job of laying out the reasons why he won.

How did George Santos, a Republican newly elected to New York’s Third Congressional District, on Long Island, get away with running for office with an almost completely fictitious résumé? The answer is a combination of Democratic complacency, Republican extremism, and media decline in a House district that I know intimately.

On Election Night, Republicans swept all four of Long Island’s House seats. Democrats didn’t realize the severity of the loss, however, until The New York Times revealed that Santos had lied about his education, work experience, philanthropic pursuits, and finances, among other things. This was no familiar case of a politician embellishing around the edges: Santos appeared to have made himself up. On Monday, he admitted that he’d engaged in serial falsehoods, but said that he intended to join the House majority anyway.

I represented parts of Long Island in Congress from 2001 to 2017, including, in my final two terms, most of the current NY-3 (gerrymandering has carved up the district three times since 2000). I also chaired the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee from 2011 to 2015. I’ve shaken a lot of hands in NY-3.

The district has a bit of glamour, here and there, if you look closely enough. Sean Hannity and Billy Joel are neighbors on Centre Island, which juts like a fishhook into the Long Island Sound and can be reached only by bridge (or, if you’re those two, helicopter). Their disparate political attitudes reflect the ideological diversity of the area, which swings gently from red to blue and back again.

But by and large, the district is as normal as Santos is extreme. It’s a place of strip malls and nail salons, good pizza and chain restaurants, white picket fences and PTA meetings. It begins at the outer edges of Queens, crosses the upper-middle-class communities of North Hempstead and Oyster Bay, and finally plunges down to contain America’s first suburb: Levittown. The district is about 66 percent white, 19 percent Asian, 11 percent Latino, and 3 percent Black.

In every poll in every election I ran in, voters were left-of-center on social issues, right-of-center on taxes and spending, and concerned about preserving their quality of life. They hovered quietly near the center, and they were more likely to watch the local-news affiliates to check weather and traffic than to be glued to Fox News or MSNBC. The people I represented did not treat partisanship like a sport or an essential aspect of their personalities.

That seemed healthy, but their mellowness could sometimes border on apathy. My town-hall meetings were always sparsely attended. Typically, fewer than a dozen constituents would show up, despite my staff’s best efforts to get the word out.

Voter disconnection must be part of the explanation for why Santos won. Voters in NY-3 say they value integrity and honesty, and I believe they do. But they weren’t on the lookout for a huckster politician; they didn’t think that could happen here, because it hadn’t before.

Moderate Democratic candidates have fared well in the region since 2000. Had Joe Biden run in the redrawn NY-3 map in 2020, he would have won by 8.5 points instead of 10.5, according to Politico. This year, most political observers viewed the district as naturally Democratic, especially against a Republican who’d lost his last election. That’s what I mean by Democratic complacency: the complacency of the establishment.


Mar 24, 2014
I neg MAGA fakkits

And what money has Joe Biden taken from Russia, you dumb fukk? Stop wasting Internet

@Billy Ocean another one for the list

These racist fags are trying to equate geriatric 'sleepy Joe' to GOP crime overlords.

One minute they say Joe doesn't know where he is, the next they claim he's some racketeering crime boss :mjlol:

Santos, or whatever his name is is as Republican as you can get.
He's a compulsive and pathological liar as they all are.

Nothing Republicans ever said was factual. They have a strong desire to push their own welfare and resources and they lie in order to achieve that. They lie and demonize.
They lied about Black people from the very beginning, and still lie to this day.

Their strong embrace of psychotic truth denier Trump tells you everything.
His lies about all Mexicans being drug dealers, murderers and rapists was an obvious lie but the Republican base ate it up because as much as they knew he was bullshytting that's the leader they were looking for..they were looking for a lying racist that they'd be on code with.
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